Russian Presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky releases election platform

Originally appeared at RussiaFeed

Thus far, the only candidate with uncontested access to the 2018 Russian Presidential election to declare his candidacy is LDPR founder/leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Today, he released his policy platform on which he will contest the forthcoming election in March of next year.

Here is the statement from the LDPR in full:

Today, not everyone in Russia is satisfied with their lives. Low wages and unemployment, housing problems, a lack of social security, corrupt officials, impunity for criminals and a sense of historical injustice has had negative effects. Our citizens want a better deal for themselves, and it’s time to change a many things.
Better living:
–It is necessary to help those who are weaker. First of all, increase the allowance (benefits) to single mothers.
–All citizens of Russia should be connected to gas and only after this is done should Russia sell gas to foreign states.
–Oblige banks control the money of shareholders in housing, to pay the developer only work performed rather than on speculation
–Prohibit marriages of convenience. Children should only be born with the free will of both parents.
–Remove all restrictions on travel abroad due to any debts (currently some Russians are restricted from travelling if they have even small private debts)
Safe life:
–To eliminate crime, establish military courts in the whole country, as Peter Stolypin did in his time.
–Prohibit collection activities. Debt should be exacted by the Bailiffs Service not by privately instructed individuals.
–Protect the lodgings of single individuals without family support,
–Send youths who use cars in acts of hooliganism out of their cities
–Many diseases, for example, obesity, are associated with poor-quality products. It’s time to ban the import of GMOs
–Instantly prosecute those who import dangerous and harmful goods into Russia
Cultural life:
–The first law to be adopted is the protection of the Russian language. Remove all signs in foreign languages. Anyone who delays – immediately close the premises. Enact a penalty for each foreign word used in the mass media.
–It is time to radically change the information policy of the media. Negative information should not be more than 10% of over all media coverage. Family scandals, the division of children and property, the search of skeletons in the closet – all this has only negative consequences for society.
–Return all the historical names: Volgograd rename Stalingrad, because it is under this name that the city went down in history, Ulyanovsk – in Simbirsk, Kirov – in Vyatka, Noginsk – in Bogorodsk.
–Remove from the Kremlin all state (regional) institutions, leave the Kremlin as a historical and cultural asset of Russia.
Effective State:
–Enlarge the regions of Russia, connecting the neighbouring. For example, to unite the Moscow region and Moscow, Leningrad region and St. Petersburg, calling the region Petrograd region headed by Petrograd. As a result, there should remain 40 provinces, divided exclusively by geographical principle. No national regions (there the LDPR argues for an internal map of Russia based more on the pre-1917 guberniya than the Soviet and similar contemporary model)
–Abolish the Federation Council (upper house of Russian parliament). Only have a unicameral parliament.
–Reduce the number of State Duma deputies to 200 people, as well as the number of parliamentarians in all regional and local councils. This is all the bureaucracy that is necessary.
–Nationalise all major trading networks (business chains). Today’s prices are inflated between 2 and 3 times the market value.
–Block all fraudulent schemes in the trade.
–Conduct a denomination of the ruble. Remove two zeros, and the dollar will cost 60 kopecks(cents). We keep a quarter of our international reserves in the United States.
–Carry out a general amnesty, humanise the Criminal Code. In prisons, only murderers, robbers, drug dealers, big scammers and thieves should remain.
In the West, political power does not give officials material advantages, on the contrary – people outside of politics are  often richer. In Russia, power gives many privileges: apartments, cottages, cars, study in prestigious universities, access to elite medicine. It’s time to remove this vicious system.
–Citizens want to abolish the moratorium on the death penalty. We must meet them halfway on this issue.
–Our ideology and our main goal is the well-being of Russia and its citizens.
–Publish all secret archives.
–Return to the borders of the USSR: peacefully, through referendums. Most citizens in all the former union republics will happily return to the common state, because they used to live better.
–To abolish the political article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (anti-Russian article) and the 212th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the procedure for organizing rallies). We are for a free society.
–Bury the body of Lenin.
–Bring the organizers of “perestroika” to responsibility( those responsible for the gradual collapse Soviet Union)
–Return the imperial state symbols: the black and yellow-white flag, the hymn “God Save the Tsar!”, Set the eagles instead of the stars on the Kremlin towers, paint the Kremlin white and celebrate Russia Day on September 21 – the day of the reunification of the Russian princes in 862.
The post Russian Presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky releases election platform appeared first on The Duran.
