Russian Defence Ministry: Most missiles missed target. Russia to boost Syrian air defences

The transparency, forthright and frank nature of the Russian Defence Ministry was on full display today.
Major General Igor Konashenkov has briefed the press on the facts of America’s criminal attack on the Syrian Arab Republic.
Konashenkov explained that the majority of the missiles launched from American war ships missed the target. The stray missiles remain unaccounted for.

“On April 7, at the time between 3:42 and 3:56 a.m. Moscow time, a massive missile attack by 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles was carried out from two destroyers of the US Navy (Ross and Porter), from the Mediterranean Sea, near the island of Crete, targeting Syrian airfield Ash Sha’irat. According to the Russian data recording technology, only 23 cruise missiles reached the Syrian airbase. It is not clear where the other 36 cruise missiles landed”.

The Major General went on to talk about the way in which America conducts its geo-political and military policy, stating,

“The administrations of the United States are changing, but the methods of unleashing wars have remained the same since Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya. And again, the pretext of aggression is not an objective investigation, but allegations, fact manipulation, shaking photos and pseudo-tubes at international organisations”.

He went on to explain that the supposed spontaneity of the attack was a deeply unlikely scenario saying,

“It is evident that the US cruise missile strikes against a Syrian airbase have been prepared long before today’s events. A large system of measures of reconnaissance, planning, preparation of flight tasks and bringing the missiles to launch readiness needs to be carried out to prepare such an attack”.

Russia made a statement which sounded like a threat to shoot down any further missiles attacking Syrian territory.  Konashenkov declared,

“In order to protect the most sensitive objects of the Syrian infrastructure, a system of measures to bolster and increase the effectiveness of the Syrian armed forces’ air defence systems”.

This comes as Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said,
“The fact is that we no longer know what goals Washington pursued when deciding to carry out these strikes, but it is unequivocal that they are launched de facto in the interests of Daesh, al-Nusra Front and other terrorists. In this connection, we can only express regret”.
So much for US-Russian cooperation.
The post Russian Defence Ministry: Most missiles missed target. Russia to boost Syrian air defences appeared first on The Duran.
