Russian Ambassador Assassination In Turkey: Is This An Elaborate Hoax?

I have received some interesting comments over the last day concerning the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey by a supposed member of the Turkish security forces.... In my last article, I questioned so much about this shooting, especially the fact that the Jew spew media is obviously misleading everyone and pointing the fingers in all the wrong directions.... My original assumption from seeing the initial evidence presented was that the Israeli Mossad were the most likely perpetrators of this shooting..But something has indeed been gnawing at me for the last day.... What if this is another elaborate hoax?   Yes, we have seen so many of these frauds and false flag attacks over the last few years, and being a skeptic myself, I decided to wait until I get some hard evidence of this being a hoax before I put those facts here....Right now, I want to present the following very important video from Peekay Truth, out of Melbourne Australia, that looks closely at this shooting and basically rips it to shreds.... I first want everyone to look at this video, and I have my own thoughts and comments about the findings Peekay presents to follow:NTS Notes:  OK, the first question that I have is of course... WHERE is the blood of the supposed shooting victim?  I must again remind everyone that the average human body contains some 4-5 liters of blood, and if this Ambassador was indeed shot supposedly 8-9 times in the back, he would indeed be spewing out blood and there would be an ever increasing pool of blood under him as the video progresses with the alleged shooter screaming his rants!  But we see NONE, and that should be the first red flag raised by everyone...The second question is how the Ambassador's body falls BACKWARDS after being shot supposedly in the back... OK, there is no perfect way that any body or person will fall, BUT I would sure like someone to explain how he not only falls backwards, BUT also has his arms spread out the way the video shows!   Can someone explain how this alleged shooting victim spreads out his arms as he hits the floor? The third question, and just as Peekay points out,  is where is the cameraman that was shooting the video as the gunman rants on that stage?  We do not see the cameraman anywhere in sight!  So WHO was shooting the video? The fourth question, and this one raised the first alarm bells with me, is WHERE are the windows?   We see a supposed video shot from outside this "art gallery" that shows the "gunman" standing next to a window! .... BUT clearly we can see that this "gallery" has NO windows at all where the gunman stands, period!.... Therefore the video and pictures shot from outside the building showing this "gunman" standing in a window is IMPOSSIBLE!  Again, this raised the first red flag for me, and it should automatically for others...The fifth question.... Who is taking those angle shots?  We have the video from the front thanks to that video camera on a tripod, so WHO is the photographer taking those shots from the side angle?  And is it not perfect that we have this cameraman or photographer RIGHT THERE to take the shots from an angle of all this... Why has not the gunman taken any shots at that guy as well?  That was the second alarm bell for me that there is something terribly wrong with this "shooting"....Lets face it... There are so many things wrong with this "assassination" and readers will have their own comments to add to this article....  I again must reiterate that I am NOT yet calling this a "hoax" as I am looking for the reasons now that anyone would want to pull this off.... What is to gain?  AND the other question is what is Russia's involvement in this if it is a hoax? The bottom line... I am looking for further evidence before I call this one a hoax.... But the facts presented does call into question this entire scenario, and its motives....I again will leave it up to readers to judge for themselves... If they have any further evidence to add to this, I again am "all ears" and will update this article accordingly with any new evidence presented... Stay tuned..More to comeNTS