Russian Ambassador Assassinated In Ankara Turkey: What We Have So Far, And I Smell The Mossad Again In This One!

I was hoping to spend a semi quiet day and not have to put up any other articles today, when news came out via the alternative media and even the liars in the Jew spew media, of the assassination of the Russian Federation's Ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, just after a speaking engagement at an Art Gallery exhibit in Ankara, Turkey earlier today.... The reports have been coming out pointing fingers everywhere... The 'assassin', Mevlut Mert Altintas, supposedly was shot by the Ambassador's security service personnel on site.. But not after the gunman supposedly screamed out "Alahu Akbar", and supposedly "Remember Aleppo"..... THAT and everything about this assassination, including how the Jew spew media is purposely trying to mislead everyone and pointing fingers in the wrong directions as usual, means that this was most probably a Mossad hit!First, I want to present here a great report from a fellow Canadian real truth seeker, Greencrow, who of course writes "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at, that gives some great initial information about this shooting with evidence that points to this being indeed a Mossad hit.. .Here is Greencrow's article here:

Monday, December 19, 2016

Usual Suspects Assassinate Russian Ambassador in Turkey

Latest Usual Suspect Patsyconveniently dies immediately after shootingFaster than a speeding bullet....the world analyses and solves the latest False Flag Hoax.  This time, according to the reliably unreliable BBC "Voice of Satan" the Manchurian patsy shouted "Alahu Akbar" and slogans about "Remember Aleppo" as he shot the Russian Ambassador at an art gallery exhibition (about Russia) in Turkey.Conveniently killed immediately afterwards in a "gunfight", the gunman allegedly got into the exhibition bearing Turkish Police ID (did they have to kill an entire busload of Turkish soldiers the other day to get one ID?)The dubious source blog Veterans Today is saying that Netanyahu was behind it and is in cahoots with Turkey's Erdogan.  No.  The Mossad is behind it...they're running behind a bit on their assassinations these days.  And the goal is the Ziofascist imperative to break up the Turkish/Russian recent geopolitical détente. As a side serves as a distraction to the Electoral College defeat today of the Ziofascist wet dream of getting Hillary elected in the USA...A Trump Presidency finally brings to an end the use of the United States as Israel's personal battering ram against the world.Posted by greencrow at 9:44 AM OK, I agree with Greencrow about how strange it is that the world has already "analyzed' and "solved" this false flag attack by trying to point the fingers elsewhere to make sure the US/Israel are not found to be the perpetrators of this murder..... But they are failing miserably.....I have several questions right off the top of my head that I want to ask everyone:  HOW did this gunman get a hold of a Turkish Police ID?  And what the heck ever happened to a "weapons check" or even a damn "metal detector" for the crowds attending this event? And where the heck were the "Security police" that should have noticed that this individual would have looked suspicious as he moved closer to the podium where the Ambassador was speaking? There is so much more than meets the eye here.... This smells of a set up from the get go, and I do indeed see it as definitely a Mossad hit.....I will indeed be updating this report as more facts come forward.... And I want to ask commentators to come forward with any additional information they have come up with, and I will indeed add it to this article with full kudos for their efforts.... The truth must be told about this shooting and exactly WHO is indeed responsible.. Stay tuned..More to comeNTS