Russian ‘Rambo’ takes out ISIS platoon after calling airstrike on HIMSELF after being surrounded by Takfiris in Palmyra

21st Century Wire says…
As the Syrian Army retakes the ancient city of Palmyra from ISIS this week, a few stories have emerged – regarding some extraordinary incidents.
Here’s one of them: an unnamed man was killed during air and ground operations in Palmyra.
According to RIA Novosti, the Russian officer was assigned to a mixed ground unit and was providing targeting for airstrikes. What happened after he was surrounded by ISIS fighters is simply shocking…

Brave Russian soldier ordered military officials to drop bombs on his location after being surrounded by ISIS terrorists
A brave Russian special forces soldier who was on a Rambo-style one man mission to hunt for ISIS militants died a “hero” after calling in an airstrike on HIMSELF.
The fearless officer was directing Russian airstrikes at Islamic State targets near the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria when he was surrounded by terrorists.
Not prepared to go down without a fight, he ordered military officials to drop bombs on his location and died in the blast.
A spokesperson for the Russian military said: “An officer of Russian special operations forces was killed near Palmyra while carrying out a special task to direct Russian airstrikes at Islamic State group targets.”
“The officer was carrying out a combat task in Palmyra area for a week, identifying crucial IS targets and passing exact coordinates for strikes with Russian planes.
“The officer died as a hero, he drew fire onto himself after being located and surrounded by terrorists.”
Moscow has been tight-lipped about having any soldiers on the ground throughout its campaign in Syria that began on September 30…
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