Russia & US to Cooperate Regarding Syria says Lavrov?

Many headlines spouting that kind of news today. Anthony already caught on to the misdirection contained in those headlines.

AnonymousOctober 24, 2015 at 3:42 AMI read the following headline and thought "Here we go, the Russians are going to engage in some shadowy cooperation with the Americans.......

Etc., Let's read what Lavrov is actually saying:Lavrov :

“We are ready to include the patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army, and provide support from the air,” the Russian foreign minister said. “Although they refuse to provide us with information on where the terrorists, according the Americans, are and where the patriotic opposition is.”

How could Russia and the US possibly "cooperate" when the US  refuses to provide Russia with the information on "where the terrorists are" and "where the patriotic opposition is"??????