Russia Accuses U.S. Of Dictating Events In Ukraine As Violence Flares

February 18, 2014
1) Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. attempting to dictate its will in Ukraine
2) Ukrainian foreign minister urges West to condemn violent uprising
3) Tensions rise in Ukrainian capital as thugs assault ruling party headquarters
4) Kyiv: Thirty-seven law enforcement personnel wounded, at least one shot
5) Interior Ministry accuses opposition of using firearms
6) Insurgents hurl firebombs, seize Kyiv City State Administration
7) Defense Ministry urges mob to desist from provocations, vacate armed forces building
8) Mob breaks windows, tries to storm Ukrainian Health Ministry central building
9) Extremists use firebombs, sack ruling party headquarters in the capital
10) Take person at Party of Regions headquarters and militia member prisoner
11-12) “Stop Nationalism and Fascism!” Pro-government volunteers mobilize against putschists
13) Neo-fascist Svoboda party announces general mobilization
14) Barricades outside key Lviv government offices removed
15) Western Ukraine: Protesters leaves several government administration offices
Russian Information Agency Novosti
February 18, 2014
Russia Accuses US of Meddling in Ukraine’s Domestic Affairs
MOSCOW: A recent statement by a US Department of State official shows that the United States is trying to dictate its own solutions to the Ukrainian government, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Monday.
“Once again, we note that the United States is trying to impose the ‘Western vector’ of development on the Ukrainian government under the guise of calls to stop interference into the Ukrainian people’s freedom of choice, and tells the authorities of a sovereign state what they should do next and how they should do it,” spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement.
He said a recent statement by a US State Department spokeswoman “offers numerous instructions for what the Ukrainian government should do next.”
The US State Department’s Marie Harf on Friday welcomed the release of protesters detained during mass anti-government protests under a previously announced amnesty deal.
Harf urged Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his government to halt “all investigations, arrests, detentions and prosecutions against demonstrators and civil society activists,” and said the United States is “gravely concerned” over intimidation of the media and organizations advocating “fundamental democratic principles and good governance” in Ukraine.
“The next step in this process should be the formation of a multiparty technical government, with genuine power-sharing and responsibility, which can earn the confidence of the Ukrainian people and restore political and economic stability to Ukraine,” Harf said.
February 18, 2014
Foreign Ministry calls on foreign states and international organizations to strongly condemn actions of radicals in Kyiv
Acting Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara has called on foreign states and international organizations to make an objective assessment of the events in Kyiv on Tuesday.
“We call on foreign states and international organizations to make objective and impartial assessments of the situation in Ukraine and expect them to strongly condemn the illegal actions of radical forces,” reads a statement by, which was obtained by Interfax -Ukraine.
Kozhara said that on Tuesday “radical forces in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, posing as peaceful protesters, initiated a new, groundless outburst of violence and lawlessness.”
“The so-called protesters make armed attacks on government buildings, set fire to the buildings, cause serious injury to law enforcement officers, use firearms and urge other citizens to do so,” he said.
He said that such actions endanger the lives and safety of Ukrainian citizens and the constitutional order in the country, as well as demand that the authorities make an independent assessment and a proper response as part of the existing legislation in order to restore law and order.
February 18, 2014
Tensions running high in central Kyiv
KYIV: Tensions are running high in Mariinsky Park in front of the parliament building in central Kyiv, an Interfax correspondent reported.
Clashes erupt now and then between hundreds of radical-minded opposition activists and police. Flares and flash bangs are hurled at interior troops’ cordons.
Protestors are preparing paving stones, moving them closer to police cordons.
One serviceman was reportedly injured and evacuated deeper into the law enforcement camp.
The first tensions flared up near a police cordon in Mariinsky Park near the parliament building, which separates the Party of Regions supporters from anti-government protestors.
Mobilization was announced from an improvised stage of the pro-government rally and men strong enough to offer resistance were asked to walk to the left flank of the tented camp “to support the interior troops.”
By contrast, women were urged to move to the square in front of the parliament building where they could be protected.
Meanwhile, several dozen radical-minded protestors attacked the office of the Party of Regions on Lipskaya Street in central Kyiv.
Masked demonstrators are hurling stones at the windows of the building accommodating the Party of Regions’ headquarters and into the courtyard over the fence. They also brought down and burnt the party flag. The Party of Regions’ activists retaliated by spraying water at the assailants from a hose.
Some activists are climbing over into the courtyard in an attempt to set a window on fire.
February 18, 2014
Five interior troops were wounded in clashes with protesters in Kyiv – Ukrainian Interior Ministry
The Ukrainian Interior Ministry said several interior troops were wounded in clashes with protesters in central Kyiv on Tuesday.
“Five interior troops were wounded. Doctors have taken a bullet from one serviceman’s body and another one is bleeding. A pistol bullet has been removed from one serviceman’s body. Another law enforcement official is now bleeding and doctors are trying to remove a bullet from him,” the Interior Ministry said in a report.
According to the police, 37 law enforcement officials were hurt in the clashes.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
February 18, 2014
Police declares: radical protesters use firearms against police officers
The matter is about confrontation in Shovkovychna, Instytutska and Hrushevskoho streets .
The Interior Ministry urges protesters not to do radical actions and reminds of criminal responsibility for the offense. Now confrontation around the Parliament building is somewhat abated.
February 18, 2014
Militia: activists seize building of KCSA again
Before that protesters were burning tires and threw Molotov cocktails near the building of KCSA.
Protesters have seized building of Kyiv City State Administration again.
The main department of militia disclosed this to UNIAN.
“The protesters broke through and seized the building of KCSA”, – militia said.
February 18, 2014
Ukraine Defense Ministry urges protestors to vacate Central House of Officers
KYIV: The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has urged protestors to immediately vacate the Central House of Officers on Hrushevsky Street in Kyiv.
“The seizure of the armed forces’ Central House of Officers in Kyiv on February 18 was illegal and the building must be immediately vacated,” the Defense Ministry’s press service said.
This building has the status of a military unit subordinated to the Defense Ministry, which works in the interests of servicemen, military veterans and their families, the Defense Ministry said.
“Protestors’ actions and seizure of a military unit is provoking a reaction from the Defense Ministry,” the statement says.
February 18, 2014
Protesters try to enter Ukrainian Health Ministry
KYIV: Protesters have tried to enter the building of the Ukrainian Health Ministry in central Kyiv, but ministry security prevented them from doing that, a ministry official told Interfax on Tuesday.
A group of protesters came to the Health Ministry building, broke the fence, and hurled stones at the ministry’s windows, breaking them. They also tried to get inside the building, but were unable to do so.
Many ministry officials have now left the central building of the ministry. One of them was injured by a stone hurled by a protester.
The Health Ministry building is in Mariyinsky Park, not far from the parliament building.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
February 18, 2014
Radical protesters burst into Party of Regions’ Kyiv office
Radical activists of Ukraine’s opposition broke into the Party of Regions office on Lypska Street and entered the courtyard. They also pulled down the metal fence, torched a car and seized files with documents from the staff.Before the attack the protesters pelted the building with ‘Molotov cocktails. “
However, office workers extinguished the fire. Later on all office workers were allowed to leave the building. Riot policemen of the Berkut special police force started pushing protestors out of Lypska Street, where the Party of Regions’ office is headquartered.
February 18, 2014
Protesters take man, who stays in office of PR at Lypska Street as prisoner
Protesters took a man, who stayed in office of the Party of Regions at Lypska Street as a prisoner.
According to an UNIAN correspondent, the captured man is about 50 years old and he wears civil[ian] clothes.
At the same time protesters took a militia officer as a prisoner at Lypska Street and led him somewhere.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
February 18, 2014
Govt loyalists in Kyiv preparing to counter opposition protestors
Participants in a pro-government rally being held on February 18 under the Party of Regions banner in front of the parliament building are gathering strength to offer resistance to aggressive opposition protestors in central Kyiv.
White and red arm bands are worn to identify government loyalists.Obstacles are being removed from the frontline, including tents. A tent caught fire and burnt down an hour ago, but is still smoldering.A Party of Regions rally is continuing near the parliament building with demonstrators chanting: “Stop Nationalism and Fascism!” “Support Viktor Yanukovych!”
February 18, 2014
Govt loyalists in Kyiv preparing to counter opposition protestors
KYIV: Participants in a pro-government rally being held on Tuesday under the Party of Regions banner in front of the parliament building are gathering strength to offer resistance to aggressive opposition protestors in central Kyiv.
Men wearing helmets and holding sticks have approached the engagement line between the interior troops and protestors. They are digging up paving stones and carrying them on blankets nearer to the scene of likely clashes, an Interfax correspondent reported.
White and red arm bands are worn to identify government loyalists.
Obstacles are being removed from the frontline, including tents. A tent caught fire and burnt down an hour ago, but is still smoldering.
A Party of Regions rally is continuing near the parliament building with demonstrators chanting: “Stop Nationalism and Fascism!” “Support Viktor Yanukovych!”
The government district is filled with the smoke of burnt car tires coming from the crossing between Hrushevsky Street and European Square.
Meanwhile, riot policemen of the Berkut special police force started pushing protestors out of Lipska Street, where the Party of Regions’ office is headquartered.
Demonstrators have reached the intersection of the Lipska and Instytutska streets, an Interfax correspondent reported. Maidan self-defense activists are at the vanguard and their numbers keep increasing. They have formed a cordon opposite the monument to Manuilsky.
Riot policemen have cordoned off Lipska Street near the Party of Regions office.
Reports said earlier that protesters broke into the Party of Regions office on Lipska Street and entered the courtyard. They also pulled down the metal fence, torched a car and seized files with documents from the staff.
About 20 women left the building. Only men remain inside.
February 18, 2014
Svoboda announces general mobilization
Leader of the Svoboda All-Ukrainian Union Oleh Tyagnybok announced a general mobilization.
The Svoboda All-Ukrainian union wrote this on Twitter.
“Oleh Tyagnybok calls all men to arrive in Kyiv immediately – general mobilization!”, – it is said in the message.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
February 17, 2014
Barricade outside Lviv regional administration dismantled
Utility workers dismantled the barricade outside the building housing Lviv Regional State Administration and Lviv Regional Council last night.By now road traffic has resumed on the street beside the Regional State Administration where the barricade was erected.Outside the building there are about ten police officers and a State Auto Inspection patrol vehicle.
On January 23, 2014, local residents occupied the offices of the regional state administration, thus leaving the administration staff with no access to their workplace for a few days.The law granting amnesty to all Ukrainian rioters will take effect on February 17, 2014, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office said a day earlier.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
February 17, 2014
Protesters vacate Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava regional administrations
All the protesters left the building of Lviv Regional Administration on February 16 morning, a police officer who is on duty in the building.
MP Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page on the night from February 15 to February 16 that the buildings of Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Poltava Regional State Administrations had been vacated, as well.
