Russia’s LDPR nationalist party may skyrocket to power in 2024

While ignorant commentators claim that Russia isn’t a democracy, Russia’s political landscape is changing due to – surprise, surprise – the democratic will of the Russian people.
After being relegated to either second or third place in Duma elections during much of the 2000s and 2010s, a new opinion poll shows that the LDPR are surging and look to secure an easy position as Russia’s leading opposition party in the next set of Duma elections and very likely in next year’s Presidential elections as well.
The LDPR who came in a close third in the 2016 State Duma elections are set to fully overtake the current leading opposition Communist Party. This comes as long serving Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov has said he will not run in the 2018 Presidential election, preferring a younger figure in his party to take the reins.
By contrast, the equally seasoned political veteran LDPR leader/founder Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the only member of a leading party to declare his intention to run in next year’s election.
The LDPR have a storied history. As the first official opposition in the Soviet Union, they came in first in 1993’s Duma elections, a result which shocked the globalist elite surrounding Yeltsin in the aftermath of his abolition of the Supreme Soviet of Russia and Congress of People’s Deputies.
Since then, the LDPR and its founder have always been in the political spotlight, but now it seems as though they will be taking over from the typically stalwart Communists after years of the Communist domination of the role of the primary opposition party.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky has long stressed the importance of Russia paying close attention to foreign affairs. Zhirinovsky, a multilingual professor, has always had his pulse on movements throughout geo-politics and over the years much of what he has predicted has come true whether it be the foolishness of Russia attempting good relations with Kiev, the importance of Turkey and Iran to Russia’s foreign relations, predicting the success of Deng Xiaoping’s economic model for China, Russia’s unique role as a respected power in the Islamic world and most recently, predicting Donald Trump’s victory.
As Russia has re-emerged as a crucial geo-political superpower capable of mediating in global conflicts and as NATO and the EU increase their hostility towards Russia, it is only logical that Russians should find an increasing interest in a party who have emphasised the importance of a wise and thorough programme in foreign affairs.
Domestically, the LDPR favour a mixed economy wherein business is freed from excessive regulation but at the same time essential public services remain run by the state in order to protect ordinary people from the more piratical aspects of capitalism.
With much of the west looking to abandon globalist capitalism in favour of more protectionist mixed economies, in this sense too, the LDPR has blazed a trail.
By 2024, the LDPR will be a force to reckon with and will stand ready to challenge United Russia’s current domination of Duma politics. Although Zhirinovsky isn’t getting any younger, the effective party machine he has built will insure the continued fortunes of a party that correctly predicted both Russia and the world’s geo-political course as early as the 1990s.
The post Russia’s LDPR nationalist party may skyrocket to power in 2024 appeared first on The Duran.
