Rushin’ To Destruction, 2019 In Review Part 6-- Trump’s Tweets Aren’t Just Tweets, They Are Calls To Action

-by NoahPresident Mental Case just loves to reveal his sickness. Maybe that’s because he knows his supporters know a fellow traveler down the path to the big ash heap city of complete madness when they see one.What follows is a group of 2019 tweets deliberately set in motion by our so-called president as he works his agenda of white supremacy with his supporters.First a summation from Ezra Klein, @ezraklein, who re-tweeted a telling dialog between Madman Trump and a reporter with the header “Donald Trump’s political career, in one quote.”

Reporter: “Does it concern you that many people find that tweet racist?”Trump: “It doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me.”

Yep. Trump not only knows his supporters are racist just like him, he sees that as a fine thing, a very fine thing. Trump knows his people, all 62,000,000 of them. He knows how to get them going. He knows that their racism is an easy button to push.When Donnie “Very fine people” Trump told four progressive freshmen congresswomen to go back to the countries they “came from” back in July, he set off a firestorm response of indignation from fair-minded people. That meant nothing to him as shown when, a few days later, he encouraged a North Carolina Trump rally crowd in a “Send He Back” chant against Rep. Ilhan Omar.However, missed in all the conflagration was how various Neo-Nazi leaders and key players in the Republican Party rejoiced at the continued affirmation that they have a serious ally in the White House. First, there was the infamous Richard Spencer who tweeted in response to his wacked out faithful:

• Richard Spencer, @RichardBSpencer: “And with a single tweet, Trump was able to win back the sizeable deluded portion of the Alt-Right, eager to take another trip on the merry-go-round.”

Then, there was Florida white supremacist organizer/frequent political candidate (including a run for the Senate seat of Mrco Rubio) Augustus Invictus, beside himself with happiness at the president’s tweet:

• Augustus Invictus, @Emperorinvictus: “In which @realDonaldTrump recommends that all hostile immigrants-even members of Congress-should go back where they came from.”

Never mind that the four women in question are Americans and only one was even born outside of the U.S.A. That kind of thing is way too deep for the critical thinking-challenged Republican mind.Also joining the fray was Matt Parrot, the former head of the white supremacist Traditionalist Worker Party who appeared to acknowledge Trump’s political strategy as laid out in his tweets. Parrott seems to present excerpts of a twitter dialog he’s had with either the real Trump or the Trump of his dreams, but, really, is there any difference?

• Matt Parrott, @MatthewParrott: “Mr. President, our base is going to figure out that there were no raids, there is no wall, and you’re deporting even fewer illegals than Obama.”
• Response 1: “Nope. I know my base.”• Matt Parrott: “But, eventually they’re going to figure it out.”• Response 2: “Nope. Watch this…”

Parrott was then apparently mollified by the response he received but gives no details.Next up was James Edwards, @JamesEdwardsTPC. Using the president’s own terminology, Edwards had this to say when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to Trump’s racist tweeting. Here’s Pelosi first, followed by his response:

• Nancy Pelosi, @SpeakerPelosi: “When @realDonald Trump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again.

• James Edwards,@JamesEdwardsTPC: Europeans made America great. Without the founding stock this country will be just another shithole. Diversity is our weakness. Clearly so.

In case you thought uber-loon and FOX “News” birther star Pamela Geller had retired to living under a rock somewhere, guess again. Her beloved president’s tweet brought her out. Knowing that her typical FOX “News” fandom would feel revulsion at the mere sight of a picture of four women of color, she tweeted a picture of “The Squad” and urged her demented fans to read Trump’s full tweet which she provided.A white supremacist podcaster and founder of Radio Aryan who goes by the name of “Sven Longshanks” didn’t tweet but he sure gooned up his “Daily Nationalist” audience by praising the President. I thought what he had to say was worth seeing. It gives a frame of reference for where Trump’s mob is really coming from. This is 2019, soon to be 2020, but these cretins are stuck in 1953.

Trump started the week in a great way today by tweeting that the four worst non-White communists in the Democrat Party should go back and fix their own countries first before trying to toll America what to do.

“Non-white communists in the Democrat Party.” How much you want to bet that this asshole gets a slot as a speaker at the 2020 Republican Convention, introduced by Laura Ingraham or Stephen Miller?