Ron Paul: War Drums Are Beating and North Korea Tops the List

The UN Security Council resolution putting more sanctions on North Korea over the weekend is fueling the flames of neocon dreams of pre-emptive war. Will they actually be so insane? Bet on it.

(RPI) — Last weekend’s UN Security Council Resolution imposing sanctions on North Korea for testing missiles opens the door to a US pre-emptive strike on the country. Russia and China foolishly went along with the US and voted for more sanctions thinking that it would open the door to diplomacy. It won’t.
That’s the last thing Washington’s warhawks want and Russia and China should have learned as much from their complicity in Libya’s destruction with their vote in favor of UNSC 1973 in 2011. War coming?
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By Daniel McAdams and Ron Paul / Republished with permission / RPI / Report a typo
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