Ron Paul on the Tillerson Hearing: Will Trump Have A Neocon Foreign Policy?

Watching the Senate hearing for President-elect Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, it seemed arch-neocon Bill Kristol might have been hiding somewhere feeding the former Exxon CEO his lines. He’s going to stop China from accessing islands it has constructed in the South China Sea? He endorses the neocon line about Russian “aggression” against Ukraine and Crimea? If America doesn’t “lead” the rest of the world, there will only be chaos and confusion? He wants to give Saudi Arabia a “pass” on its dismal human rights record? Let’s hope Tillerson is just telling the likes of Marco Rubio (R-FL) what he wants to hear, but should we bet on it? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.
