Ron Paul and Jacob Hornberger on NATO’s Warsaw War Plans

The big NATO 2016 Summit begins in Warsaw today. On the agenda is approving a NATO force of up to 4,000 troops to be stationed on Russia’s borders in the Baltic. It will be the first regular troop deployment aimed at Moscow since the fall of the Berlin Wall more than a quarter-century ago. How would the US feel if a reconstituted Warsaw Pact expanded to include Cuba and Mexico decided to station thousands of troops on the US border with Mexico? Threatened? Yet Russia is not supposed to feel threatened? Also on NATO’s agenda will be prodding European governments to begin spending more money on defense. Though Russia has been declared an “existential threat” by NATO, those countries directly in the line of Russia’s fire do not spend money on defense. Is that odd? Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger. NATO is on the menu. Watch below:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.
