Rob Zerban And Patrick Hope Won The Blue America End-of-the Quarter Contest

Dennis Kucinich congratulating Patrick Hope on his straw poll win in Arlington last weekIt makes sense that Rob and Patrick won. Both have strong teams and both have won elections in the past and understand how to communicate effectively with voters. Both teams were in it to win from the first day and both teams sent out numerous, well-crafted e-mails and worked the social media outlets to turn out their voters. Blue America sent each campaign a $1,000 check this afternoon.The "contest" was to see which campaigns could persuade the most donors to contribute through ActBlue in a 48 hour period. This is the list of candidates, how many donors they had on the page when we started and how many donors they had when we finished. In parenthesis is the amount of money they had raised at the beginning and the end of the contest. I might add that several campaigns were unable to "compete" because of other obligations. You'll notice, for example, that although Alan Grayson had a large number of "votes," his campaign was busy working on other projects and didn't activate their donor list. The reason he had so many donors was because so many donors to other candidates also contributed to his campaign. He has some brand!

• Rob Zerban- 164 ($4,453) ---> 375 ($8,547) 211• Patrick Hope- 6 ($169) ---> 128 ($2,378) 122• Alan Grayson- 504 ($12,688) ---> 605 ($13,656) 101• Stanley Chang- 96 ($1,218) ---> 172 ($2,220) 76• Paul Clements- 228 ($3,298) ---> 285 ($3,750) 57• Daylin Leach- 344 ($6,375) ---> 400 ($7,030) 56• Kelly Westerlund- 17 ($127) ---> 73 ($629) 56• Eloise Reyes- 190 ($4,849) ---> 244 ($5,287) 54• Tom Guild- 233 ($3,202) ---> 282 ($3,717) 49• Lee Rogers- 290 ($9,107) ---> 338 ($9,707) 48• Mike Obermueller- 106 ($984) ---> 146 ($1,185) 40• Pat Murphy- 156 ($1,662) ---> 195 ($1,902) 39• Greg Howard- 29 ($242) ---> 68 ($464) 39• Michael Wager- 58 ($308) ---> 90 ($540) 32

When the contest started there were 966 contributors on the page. Now there are 1,415 contributors. In all, $13,136 was raised. Thanks everyone who participated. You can continue contributing to our House candidates here and the our Senate candidates here.Rob: "We have an amazing network of supporters who are truly dedicated to stopping Paul Ryan's extremist agenda. Once again, I'm inspired by their resourcefulness and I'm excited about the opportunity to take this seat back for the people of Wisconsin."