RISE AND FALL OF GIANTS: US-Russian VISA Suspension Begins the Next Cold War

The rumbling tension between Russia and America means one thing: it’s
1987…all over again.
Minus President Ronald Reagan, the secret Oliver North-CIA
drug-running-arms deal hearings (Iran-Contra), cell phones the size of
car batteries, and despite the fact that music today is much, much
worse, our current international news sounds eerily similar to
1987’s…only more dangerous.
Above the half-witted mainstream media’s shrill noise about
Charlottesville’s George Soros (aka, Grigori Schwartz) funded,
statue-destroying, history-erasing, tattooed LGBT left-wing
anarchists, we can hear something far more frightening. We hear the
gargantuan growling curses of cannibal giants—the morally lobotomized
military industrial complex—hiding in the darkness, scraping swords
against stones and cracking knuckles, as they prepare to clash; and in
the process of their reckless grappling, crush civilization and
crumble landscapes. The question is what will trigger their fight?
The geopolitical temperature of today’s world is bubbling over with
volatility. We see millions of tattered, angry migrants pouring into
Europe through the holes made by the U.S. military adventures in
Africa and the Middle East, accelerating the break-up of the European
Union. As a result, many European and former Soviet bloc nations are
rediscovering their instinctive love of tribalism and their natural
right to sovereignty as they’re forced to defend their borders,
people, and resources. Germany is also making a semi-independent
stand by rejecting the U.S. sanctions against Russia due to their
impending damage to the German economy; and is gravitating towards the
perspective of Russia and China regarding the United States, which is
probably the most important political shift in the past 50 years.
With China, Russia, and Germany locking arms and standing up in
defiance and disgust toward the warmongering rhetoric and threats of
military engagement, some very real problems and opportunities also
Additionally, starting today, the Trump State Department has
officially suspended of all non-immigrant VISA’s, and effectively
stopped all Russian people from traveling to the United States. This
marks the official re-start of the American-Russian “Cold War 2.0”.
Now as a former U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer and Booz
Allen Hamilton defense contractor who worked at the State Department,
Special Operations Command, and Central Command, I can confirm that
this is not the way to win wars—including cold ones—by persuading,
changing, and influencing behaviors.
The U.S. justification for this action, so we’re told, is because the
Russian government had previously ordered U.S. State Department staff
(CIA agents) to leave Russia in order to create a more equal number of
Russians and Americans working in each others’ embassies. Of course,
what is conveniently ignored is that in December 2016 President Obama,
in violation of international law, seized the Russian Government’s
summer house and property in the Washington DC metro area, and Trump
has continued the crime by refusing to return the Russian property
without getting some kind of “benefit” in return. Extortion?
A few days before this “Cold War 2.0 restart”, we saw the entire U.S.
Navy freeze all of its operations dead-in-the-water after the U.S.S.
John McCain became the second U.S. navy ship (the first was the U.S.S.
Fitzgerald) within a few weeks to be mysteriously stopped, radar
jammed, and rammed by a larger civilian ship, allegedly by accident.
This of course hearkens all military and intelligence people to recall
the April 2014 U.S.S. Donald Cook incident in the Black Sea, where a
Russian jet knocked out the U.S. ship’s electronic systems—most likely
to prove the same point we are uncomfortably re-learning now.
Essentially, since no reasonable person—even in Congress—can accept
the explanation of ‘incompetence’ or technological decay as the excuse
for these ships’ ‘accidents’, these events can only be classified in
two ways. Either they are 1) a CIA false-flag event to manipulate a
gullible President while whipping-up extra agency powers, budgets, and
military-industrial complex contracts; or 2) a pre-emptive action by a
foreign power. Since we already know the CIA-DEEP STATE-MILITARY
obsession with expanding US-NATO hegemony and natural resource
domination across the planet, the other explanation would be this is a
response to the U.S. navy menacing China’s South China Sea Spratly
island bases, as a warning sign before anything serious develops in
the Mediterranean involving Ukraine, Libya, or Syria. Seems logical.
In the first Korean war in 1951, China warned the U.S. that it could
not tolerate an enemy power on the Yalu River, and that it would side
with North Korea and fight to protect their land, government and
culture from destruction. We ignored this, advanced deep into North
Korean territory, and unleashed a massive Chinese counterattack that
pushed Americans back deep into South Korea. Eventually, an armistice
was reached with the 38th Parallel being the line dividing each side.
China lost 600,000 men in the Korean war, while we lost a fraction.
They are prepared to lose more in the next war, in order to tell
Americans that not only are the days of regime change over, but they
are prepared to die to prove it. Why? Existentially, Russia and
China cannot tolerate the destruction of Korea, or in fact any kind of
US-Korea military confrontation. The resulting refugee overflow into
China and Russia would be dangerously destabilizing; and the U.S.-NATO
military planners, and the Vatican, not only know this, but are
counting on this to achieve their long-term agenda of “regime change”
in China and Russia.
Thirty years ago in 1987, the two most powerful nations on the planet
entered the final phase of a wrestling match which had lasted for over
fifty years. One nation’s strength was thinning, its defensive
posture bending, and its will to fight disappearing; while the other
nation was increasing its points, securing a final chokehold, and
hungry to win the match. At the last minute it seemed like a
compromise had been reached. A tapping-out was negotiated, and both
competitors agreed to stop and conclude the match without risking a
final death struggle, since it might cripple both competitors. With
history as referee, Ronald Reagan’s victorious arm was held high for
all the world to see, while Mikhail Gorbechev’s head drooped from the
fatigue of decades of economic and spiritual communism. (NOTE: The
typical communist socio-economic model is to a nation what an
artificial steroid is to the human body: it appears to grow strength
in the beginning but ends up destroying the body in the end). The two
opponents, America and Russia, left the arena, respectful to
eachother, and hopeful of a paradigm shift in their relationship that
might extinguish all memory of the cold war that had exhausted the
world for too long. Both nations were ready…and so was humanity.
Unfortunately, all of President Ronald Reagan’s honor, goodwill, and
promises to Mikhail Gorbechev and the Russian people that NATO and the
West would not expand military bases or encroach into Russian
territory or peel away buffer territories like Ukraine, were not only
ignored by subsequent U.S. Presidents and Russia’s trust betrayed, but
the cold war became a hot diplomatic war with occasional bloodshed as
the West accelerated its military-intelligence-economic operations
against Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Ukraine, and other former Soviet lands.
Fast forward to 2017 and we see the world has changed…and not for the
better. Instead of the United States pressuring the Soviet Union into
a frantic state of cultural abandonment and political disintegration,
this same exact transformation is now happening to the United States,
except, ironically—or perhaps miraculously—without any help from the
Russians. I use the word miraculously advisedly, and admittedly with
a slight tinge of humor because when you think about it, there is a
rather Divine sense of “poetic justice” to the notion that the United
States—more specifically the DEEP STATE—is now suffering the same kind
of confusion, oppression, and paranoia it enthusiastically helped
inflict upon Russia some 30 years ago. Somehow the pulling-down of
the statute of Confederate General Robert E. Lee by a left-wing zealot
in America seems eerily reminiscent of the pulling-down of the
statutes of Stalin, Lenin and Saadam Hussein decades ago. Karma?
Judgement? Inevitability?
Although similar to many of the societal erosions Russia faced in the
1980’s, America’s are far more insidious and lethal today. They are
in fact terminal, unless properly purged from our body politic. These
societal erosions include, but are not limited to, the following:
* A self-consuming appetite for blind multi-culturalism that
foments suicidally reckless immigration policies and spawns the
unlawful monstrosity of “sanctuary cities”.
* A desperate obsession to manufacture the perfect health-care
system that will, somehow, automatically and effortlessly guarantee a
constantly blissful, supernaturally healthy life. Unfortunately the
Soma today are opioids and anti-depressants which transform the mind
and body like tobacco smoked into ash.
* A hyper-sensitivity and quasi-religious worship of
‘political-correctness’ which has essentially outlawed traditional
notions of American moral-religious purity, as well as sickened
America with a kind of sexual-identity schizophrenia. This
schizophrenia has in turn unleashed a plague of confusion and
misunderstanding in America about sex, love, intimacy, natural law,
the human body, emotions, and male-female roles, which is now
manifesting as selfishness, hedonism, transgenderism, sex
re-assignment, pedophile friendly child-sized sex dolls, and other
perversions and abominations.
Despite the rotten stench of insanity and death it carries, this
sexual and moral schizophrenia has been re-defined by the priests of
political-correctness—the Democrats, cultural Marxists, and Strausian
neocons—as the climax of civilized humanity and the ideal of feminist
politics. However, an interesting—or somber—observation of the
potential long-term impact of this cultural pathology is its
degeneration of society into a painfully lonely, delusional humanity,
which is symbolized in the recent American film Her starring Joaquin
Phoenix, where he plays an isolated, divorced American man
falling-in-love with his hand-held computer that speaks to him in
algorithmically calculated words of kindness, empathy, and emotionally
erotic stimulation, using Scarlett Johannsson’s sultry voice. These
are just a few of the most destructive social and spiritual illnesses
destroying the American mind, weakening its institutions, and
darkening the light of freedom and peace in America’s domestic culture
and international relationships.
Perhaps this explains why America’s pop-culture is more often
disdained as toxic by many non-western audiences and not particularly
cherished for its purity or illumination. Whereas Ronald Reagan or
John Wayne symbolized the arch-type of heroic American manhood in the
past, Bruce Jenner the Olympic athlete (now sex-changed by a butcher’s
scissors into Caitlyn Jenner) seems to be modern America’s
replacement—which certainly doesn’t bode well for future wars.
Re-read that sentence and let it fully sink in. A military and
political establishment where the bureaucrat mind and emasculated
drone spirit is celebrated and rewarded with promotion, while the
creative maverick and bold risk-taker are ostracized, prosecuted, and
killed for their superior skills, is both a direct contradiction of
the American spirit, and the essential plot of Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas
Interestingly enough, Russia seems to be contradicting its CIA
branding as a blood-thirsty enemy of America, by responding
compassionately toward America’s slow political train wreck (which is
now visiting Europe with mass migrants as casualties). In fact,
instead of trying to mercilessly dismember America’s economy,
military, and government like a geopolitical serial-killer, Russia has
been patiently bending and enduring the hysterics, hypocrisy, and
violent unilateralism of America’s politicians, military, and media.
This of course may shock some, such as the blindly Russia-phobic
religious bigots who chronically despise the independence of the
Russian Orthodox Church and banking systems; and the
self-tranquilizing simpletons desperately scraping the resin of
America’s Puritan character from the 1950’s while violently thrashing
to escape modernity invading their head-sized sand-holes.
Unlike the United States, Russia doesn’t seem to be jubilantly
celebrating with the same sadistic relish the disintegration of
America’s reputation and place in the world as a result of its “regime
change” miscalculations (Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria). In fact, it
seems as if Russia itself is experiencing some deeply personal, quiet
amazement and discomfort as they watch from a distance America’s
gradual cultural meltdown. It’s as if Russia is witnessing with
head-shaking sadness and disgust as their once respected competitor
blurs into senility, loses their mind and self-respect to political
Dementia, and fades into a state of confusion, fear, and the
slow-motion coma of a national police state.
The supreme law of the land is the Constitution, and it is clear: no
federal or state law, statute, code, or policy can exist that violates
or undermines any part of the Constitution. Anything that does, is
unlawful and has no authority over citizens. The reason for America’s
obscenely immoral Congress is because they have abandoned and hated
the idea of truth animating all government laws and actions. Let us
always remember that truth is the union between a people and their
government. Truth is the life force behind all law, and the U.S.
Constitution; it is the substance of contracts; it is the light
guiding man’s righteous claim and defense of his inalienable rights;
it is the spirit of a responsible and benevolent self-government.
Truth is the soul of justice, the shape of love, and the sound of
peace. But sadly the corruption of man, his lusts, and selfish pride
reject this principle in exchange for the shifting sands of pleasure
and popular opinion.
The recent US-Russian sanctions bill is a prime example. Currently
the U.S. Congress is fast-tracking a Russian sanctions bill (S.341 –
Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017 sponsored by Senator Lindsay
Graham; and H.R.3364 – Countering America’s Adversaries Through
Sanctions Act sponsored by Rep. Royce, Edward R.
Besides being an act of war according to international law, this
sanctions bill is in no way based on truth, facts, or accurate
intelligence; nor is it supported by human intelligence reports,
evidence, sworn testimony, or forensic investigations. To the
contrary, it is based entirely on false information, propaganda, and
lies—and the Russians know this. As a result, the Russian-American
struggle has not only re-awakened, but is rallying the rest of the
world against the United States foreign policy.
By ignoring truth when making law, Congress destroys both. Without
truth, there is no semblance of government authority, there is only
the tyranny of DEEP STATE bureaucrats who channel fear to continue
their power. One of the key elements is the UNCONSTITUTIONALITY of
this law, which even President Trump tweeted about—and therefore has
jeopardized himself because of his signing it. Technically speaking,
now Trump can be impeached for violating his oath to uphold the
Constitution. By signing this law, which he has admitted is
unconstitutional, he has inadvertently undermined it—which is a crime
for a politician.
Yet inevitably, truth wins out in the end. We now see in The Nation
that the VIPS group (veteran intelligence professionals for sanity)
comprised of Ray McGovern, Bill Binney, Thomas Drake, and others, have
technically proven what sensible people have been saying for over a
year: That there was no external penetration or hack into the
Democrat National Committee computer servers. Instead there was an
inside leak, and the data was downloaded from the computers by an
external device like a thumb drive, disc, or backup drive. It was not
invaded by an electronic hacker operating from a distant foreign
country, cackling from the locked basement of his parents’ house. We
also now see that Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has met with
Congressman Dana Rohrabacker and has communicated that he will provide
evidence that proves the Russians were not the source of the
intelligence materials obtained from the DNC and Clinton emails, and
this will exculpate Russia of any criminal suspicion. The data
download speed, the time, and other undeniable facts prove this. And
in proving this it proves the Congress are either liars or fools if
they don’t correct their ignorant law and cancel it out. If they
don’t, they are also traitors, because they have betrayed the most
vital element of the constitution…the truth. Without truth, there is
no agreement, no constitution, no state, and therefore no more
government. There is only Hobbesian jungle survival where life and
tribes struggle to exist in a state of perpetual war and constant
distrust of one another. We also now see that Wikileaks Founder
Julian Assange has met with Congressman Dana Rohrabacker and has
communicated that he will provide evidence that proves the Russians
were not the source of the intelligence materials obtained from the
DNC and Clinton emails, and this will exculpate Russia of any criminal
In 1987, the Soviet Union’s economy was like an overburdened tree
branch—drooping, splitting, and about to break-off from the weight of
its burden. Also in 1987, America was at the pinnacle of its powers
and confidence. It’s economic productivity and political influence
over the world seemed unstoppable and irresistible. But it was
precisely at this moment of self-anointed “exceptionalism”, that the
spirit of liberty and the blessing of power morphed into a license to
dominate and a quasi-religious calling to control. This of course
became even more surreal when the evangelical Christian-Zionist
community infused their heretical distortions of bible prophecy into a
perverted, self-fulfilling 9-11 counterterrorism political agenda to
both define and destroy every evil using the license of “American
democracy, human rights, global capitalism” as their coat of many
colored exceptionalisms.
As a result of the U.S. suspension of all non-immigrant Russian
VISA’s, the anti-Russian economic sanctions, and the bizarre
electromagnetic failures of U.S. navy ships sailing near Asia, today
marks the official re-start of the American-Russian “Cold War 2.0”.
Get ready.
The post RISE AND FALL OF GIANTS: US-Russian VISA Suspension Begins the Next Cold War appeared first on The Duran.
