The Ridiculous US Presidential "Race": Answering The Big Question - WHY Haven't Bill And Hillary Clinton Been Imprisoned?

I have been pouring over so much data and articles these last few days concerning the new evidence that has surfaced showing definitive proof of Hillary "Killary' Clinton's massive treasonous actions against the American republic, and how that evidence has now become apparent thanks to her "callous" usage of laptop computers and unsecured email accounts.... I for one am truly astounded as to how in the hell this career criminal has NOT been already in jail already for her horrendous crimes against humanity and her murdering of thousands of innocent people through her actions as former Secretary of State and her control of the Clinton "crime family"..... And yet once again here we are some 4 days away from one of the most important votes ever in US Presidential history and she could indeed become the next "Commander in Chief"!One thing has indeed been so perplexing and one that seriously needs answering... And that is of course WHY in the hell have Bill and Killary Clinton NOT been arrested yet and not been thrown in jail for their crimes?    It boggles the mind as to how the American republic can be this corrupt as to not have these two criminals rotting away in several cold jail cells!Well, to answer that question, I want to turn to a new article that comes from Stephen Lendman, through the Rense website, at, that gives a great straight forward summary of how these corrupt criminals have indeed avoided being in jail and are one step away from the White House come this Tuesday.... Here is that article and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:Why Haven’t Bill & Hillary Clinton Been Imprisoned?By Stephen Lendman11-4-16  They’re not the only members of America’s criminal class. They’re most important because likely electoral-rigging may give them a third co-presidential term - humanity threatened by their empowerment.They partner in each other’s high crimes - major offenses too serious to ignore, including Nuremberg-level crimes of war of war and against humanity, racketeering, fraud, obstruction of justice, perjury, compromising national security, and influence-selling pay-to-play self-enrichment, among others.Hillary is legally, ethically, morally and emotionally unfit to serve in any public capacity. Bill is a serial rapist. The Clinton Foundation got millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other rogue states actively supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups - Bill and Hillary largely using the money for self-enrichment, not charitable purposes as claimed.Veteran Chicago newsman John Kass called for “Democrats (to) ask (Hillary) to step aside,” highlighting “decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc” - saying “(i)t’s obvious the American political system is breaking down…crumbling” in plain sight.Hillary is under multiple FBI investigations. Volumes of incriminating evidence so far haven’t gotten her indicted - because the system is rigged to prevent it.The so-called Justice Department is in cahoots with the FBI, the White House and other powerful interests, ones I call dark forces, deciding how the nation is run and by whom.Abraham Lincoln once said “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”Things today are out-of-control. Wars on humanity rage, threatening possible thermonuclear confrontation. Neoliberal harshness enriches the nation’s privileged class at the expense of most others.Police state injustice targets nonbelievers. Tyranny approaches full-blown. Democracy is pure fantasy, not real.Another Clinton crime family co-presidency means the best of times for Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate crooks - a nightmarish scenario for ordinary people everywhere, a doomsday one if Hillary as commander-in-chief of America’s military squeezes the nuclear trigger.If anointed by fair or foul means, likely the latter, it’s clear what’s coming:greater neoliberal harshness than already - proving Hillary’s people-friendly promises as empty as Obama’s; ending what remains of constitutional governance, freedoms sacrificed for alleged greater security, assuring both are lost; andescalated wars of aggression, possible thermonuclear war on Russia, China and Iran, risking humanity’s survival.Trump is no peacenik, populist or good guy. He’s not Hillary and that matters. Returning her and husband Bill to power threatens world peace, stability and security more than any other previous time in history - the most important reason to oppose them.Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. - See more at: Notes: Stephen Lensman does indeed lay it out concisely in this article..... And again, I am so astounded these days that the American people are this brain dead to allow these murderers to actually get this far in their pursuit of attaining control of their nation?Lets face the facts here... Donald Drumpf is absolutely NO saint and NO "saviour" for America... He is absolutely under the total control of the Jewish power elite that has ruined America..... And if he does succeed in becoming the next US President on the 8th of November, then it will be business as usual for the true controllers of the American republic....However, and I do mean this for those critics that say there is NO choice between Drumpf and Killary.... The facts are crystal clear that a Killary Clinton Presidency means the end of America, period... Under her reign as dictator, the policies of Barry Soetoro's criminal regime will not only be continued but be magnified significantly... AND this psychotic lesbian mental case does indeed want to propel the United States into more deadly wars for Israel, and could indeed put the US in a head on collision with the Russian Federation that could spell World War III and the end of all humanity!   AND, we must not forget the reality that this psychotic blood thirsty bitch is indeed the Jewish choice for the Presidency and that almost all of the big Jewish money in this "campaign" has been indeed thrown her way!  Therefore the facts are clear... With NO real "third choice" and with there being absolutely NO time now to  try to fix the failed American political system, the American people have to absolutely make sure that Killary is never given the reigns of power and they must vote overwhelmingly for Drumpf....  I indeed am stating this as fact... And again, I have no love for Drumpf, but there is NO alternative left!Well, there you have it.... The American republic is indeed now the joke of the entire world, as most people outside of America now see the reality that criminals are in charge and these criminals want to see yet another criminal in the Oval Office..... I therefore always have to ask the big question as to when in the hell with the American people ever wake up and do something about this madness?More to comeNTS