Rich People Don't Think Less Well-Off People Need Health Insurance

On Friday, we took a look at the latest Republican Party vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, this time in the guise of Fred Upton's "fix". I didn't mention that Upton is a parasite who has never worked an honest job in his life and inherited millions and millions of dollars from a family whose ancestor started Whirlpool. Whirlpool is embarrassing to Upton because they shipped all the jobs in his district to low wage third world countries where they could exploit starving workers. So Upton sold most of his shares in the family firm-- and bought oil stocks instead. He's now the Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, a wonderful perch to watch over your investments.But the slimy Upton is far from the only congressional multimillionaire who voted to kill Obamacare on Friday. And they were't all Republicans. Here's a list of the 15 wealthiest Members of the House with their estimated net worths:

• Darrell Issa (R-CA)- $355 million• Mike McCaul (R-TX)- $114 million• John Delaney (New Dem-MD)- $68 million• Jared Polis (CO)- $68 million• Scott Peters (New Dem-CA)- $45 million• Jim Renacci (R-OH)- $36 million• Chellie Pingree (D-ME)- $34 million• Vern Buchanan (R-FL)- $32 million• Robert Pittenger (R-NC)-$28 million• Diane Black (R-TN)- $25 million• Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)- $24 million• Suzan DelBene (New Dem-WA)- $24 million• Chris Collins (R-NY)- $22 million• Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ)- $21 million• Gary Miller (R-CA)- $18 million

Every single Republican multimillionaire voted to make sure 40 million less well-off Americans do not get health insurance. No surprise there; all of them are merciless class war fanatics. But what about the rich Democrats? 39 Democrats joined the GOP in the disgraceful vote Friday. The wealthiest Democrat is the House is freshman self-funder John Delaney who generally represents the interests of his own socio-economic class, rich assholes. This year he introduced a bill that would grant a tax amnesty to multinational corporations which Wall Street loves and, predictably, he's been an outspoken advocate of using Chained CPI to cut Social Security benefits for retired people. Scott Peters and Suzan DelBene are also immensely rich New Dem self-funders who always stand up for the interests of wealthy people over ordinary working families. Both voted with the Republicans on Friday as did 2 other very rich New Dem self funders, Brad Schneider and Bill Foster, each of whom is a multimillionaire conservaDem. The other 3 Democratic members of the Top 15 Richest are progressives and they put their own personal economic interests aside and voted for what's good for the country instead. One was Nancy Pelosi. She was on David Gregory's ridiculous Beltway show, Meet The Press, and she slapped down Gregory's imbecilic zombie talking points:Meanwhile, it's worth noting that Steve Israel is out beating the bushes for more multimillionaire, self-funding candidates to run for Congress. Congress already had FAR, FAR too many multimillionaires. The Democratic Party should be nominating ordinary men and women who understand the problems American families face, not more multimillionaires who empathize with CEOs and people who hang out at country clubs. That's what a Republican Party is for.