Revolution In The Village

Glick, bad news-by David KeithI taught calculus in college. I really love mathematics.However, the word "Math"-- referred to by the Hillary-bots as #math-- now causes a painful nausea in me.Simply saying that math-- what these folks are too dumb to understand is more simple arithmetic than math-- proves Bernie has no chance at the nomination is silly and should be a dis qualifier for future employment (in the Democratic Party…I’m sure there will be a home for these stooges in the GOP after their Cleveland gun fight or at the Emily’s List Tribunal in the Beltway).A mature dialogue would address the fact that based on delegate "rules"-- those cooked up by party bosses-- Bernie’s chances at securing the nomination are growing smaller after each contest. This is a sad reality, but a reality nonetheless.However, I believe Bernie’s campaign has the potential to change the Democratic Party. And small examples of that change may very well come THIS cycle, with your help.For instance, in New York State, Bernie supporter (and former anti-Cuomo crusader) Zephyr Teachout is well on her way to victory. (This is the Democratic seat held by a Republican that the self-funding, childish husband of Facebook’s Chris Hughes-- Sean Eldridge-- failed to garner 37% in last cycle.) People all over the district, and the country, recognize Zephyr’s genuine desire to fight back (both against the corporate/conservative wing of her party and across the aisle) on behalf of working people. Her Revolution is being aided by Bernie, and has a very good chance of landing her in Congress.However, this select Congressional seat is not the only place where a fellow-revolutionary can beat back against the conservative wing of the party.About 130 miles south, on the Island of Manhattan, labor leader Arthur Schwartz is building a grassroots army to fight back against the all too Sheldon Silver-like, thirty year incumbent Deborah Glick.A very astute political operative told me recently that Glick looks like Hillary, sounds like Hillary, and votes like Hillary.I personally think that is an insult to Hillary.Deborah Glick is a creature of Albany’s back rooms where should-be-prisoners like Jeff Klein and Sheldon Silver have roamed for years. (Granted Silver is now roaming in a jail cell). Glick’s connection to these thugs is being increasingly noted in the press. This trend will continue.This Assembly seat (which holds its primary in September) was a Teachout stronghold in 2014, when she inspired many New Yorkers during her valiant effort against King Cuomo II. I think it is safe to say that this seat-- which includes Greenwich Village-- will produce similar numbers for Bernie in tomorrow’s primary.All of these factors point to a real opportunity for Schwartz, who just so happened to be the Sanders Campaigns’ official ballot access attorney this cycle.A community activist for 25+ years, Arthur can defeat Glick, and inspire many in our party to believe that #math just isn’t going to be enough for the right wing of the Democratic party to beat back the people. If you'd like to contribute to Schwartz's campaign, you can do it here: