REVEALED: Obama paid nearly $1 million to Fusion GPS connected law firm

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The Obama Administration has now been entangled in the Fusion GPS – Trump dossier scandal, with Federal Election Commission (FEC) records showing that former POTUS Barack Obama’s campaign organization, Obama For America (OFA), paid $972,000 to Perkins Coie, the law firm that hired Fusion GPS to put together a discredited Trump smear dossier.
The fact that Obama was also working with Perkins Coie raises many questions that need answers…mainly why was Obama paying nearly $1 million to a law firm that was handling the dirty Clinton campaign Trump smear dossier?
The Federalist reports…

OFA, Obama’s official campaign arm in 2016, paid nearly $800,000 to Perkins Coie in 2016 alone, according to FEC records. The first 2016 payments to Perkins Coie, classified only as “Legal Services,” were made April 25-26, 2016, and totaled $98,047. A second batch of payments, also classified as “Legal Services,” were disbursed to the law firm on September 29, 2016, and totaled exactly $700,000. Payments from OFA to Perkins Coie in 2017 totaled $174,725 through August 22, 2017.
The timing and nature of the payments to Perkins Coie by Obama’s official campaign arm raise significant questions about whether OFA was funding Fusion GPS, how much Obama and his team knew about the contents and provenance of the dossier long before its contents were made public, and whether the president or his government lieutenants knowingly used a partisan political document to justify official government actions targeting the president’s political opponents named in the dossier.

The Gateway Pundit reports…

“The same attorney that sent Clinton/DNC money to Fusion GPS also represented Obama’s campaign,” tweeted The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis Sunday.
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this week, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) asked why President Obama was briefed on the ‘Trump dossier,’ if it was Clinton campaign opposition research, rather then an intelligence report authored by the CIA?
Again, this raises serious questions as to whether then President Obama was briefed on the origin of the ‘Trump dossier,’ how it was procured and the degree to which it was credible.

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