The Return Of The Nigerian Scammer

If you are reading this, you have probably heard of the 419 scam, also known as the Nigerian scam. To its credit, the Nigerian Government clamped down on these people a few years ago, but there are now crooks operating it and other scams the world over. There is however one particular Nigerian scammer who is based not in Nigeria but London, and although she has been arrested at least twice, nothing seems to deter her, probably because she is seriously wrong in the head.
In August 2010, Lizzy Henz was convicted on eight counts of offering immigration advice and services, something that has been illegal since 2001 unless the person offering this service is a solicitor or otherwise qualified person. She received an eighteen month sentence but on appeal a hospital order was substituted. If you have ever heard the lady speak, you will understand why, she is away with the fairies.
She styles herself Professor Alexia Thomas. While in the UK a woman may call herself anything she likes provided she has no dishonest intent, Alexia Thomas is no manner of professor. Nor is she the Prime Minister of Britain, although in 2018 she said she would become so, according to the Nigerian newspaper Vanguard.
The Vanguard is an apparently otherwise non-controversial mainstream newspaper, but strangely this isn’t the only place she has been granted space to claim that:
“I Am Divinely Born, I Am The Master Of Masters The Turbine That Make Great Men Cry Like Babies. I Am The Myth Of The World”.
We’ve all met people like this here and there, and as long as they take their medicine they are not dangerous, but this woman’s delusions cause real, financial damage to for the most part gullible Nigerians and other Africans who happen upon her website, that of the grandly styled Independent Diplomat Commission. According to Companies House, this was incorporated on May 16, 2007 as the Independent Diplomat Commission Limited; the name change is a sleight of hand that was probably induced by her aforementioned conviction. The official database lists 17 officers with 14 resignations, but the only named individual currently active is Professor Alexia Thomas. One of the other named individuals is Lizzy Henz!
There have though been other people involved with the company. At one time she was running a fairly big office in South London. So how does this outfit make its money? By selling worthless products at inflated prices for anything up to £1,250.
At the time of writing, none of the payment links on her website to these products appears to be working. Perhaps because of a recent communication with the British police Action Fraud website? Whatever, Lizzy Henz alias “Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas The Great” can expect a knock on her door fairly soon. If she hasn’t had one already.
