Response to Henry Makow on the subject of the “Protocols"

Dr. Henry Makow has written an essay, “Feckless Goyim Downplay Protocols of Zion.” His essay in the “Truthseeker" numbers this writer among the “feckless." It appears online at the link above, as well as other web pages. What follows is our response. [For a detailed study of this topic see Revisionist History newsletter No. 39: "The Russian Roots of Nazism - From the Protocols of Zion to the Judeo-Bolshevik Holocaust” An extraordinary revaluation of the source of Nazism and the secret model after which it patterned itself. Why Hitler was suckered and self-deluded almost from the beginning of his career. Pioneering conspiracy research and essential reading for anyone who wants to grasp the deeper points of Hoffman's original historical theories and revisionist  history. Sections include: Learning lessons from the Bolsheviks; Impact of the holocaust in Russia on Germans; Christian Russia - Spiritual Powerhouse; Nazism and the Cryptocracy's Protocols Gambit; Behind the scenes manipulation by the occult "Thule Society" and Dietrich Eckart; Mein Kampf and the Protocols; Conspiracy most fateful: the Nazis omit Eisenmenger's indisputable Entdecktes Judenthum in favor of the disputed Protocols.Also see: Revisionist History newsletter No. 49: Nietzsche, the "Jews" and the Goyim - Hard questions inspired by one of the West's most radical thinkers. Using the epistemology of Friedrich Nietzsche as his springboard, Hoffman challenges the entire basis of the "anti-semitic" Right wing: the Protocols, Henry Ford and the whole disastrous loser movement based on them. Highly controversial and thought-provoking]._________________________ To the editor of the point has always been that the Protocols are disputed. Johann Andreas Eisenmenger's Entdecktes Judenthum cannot be refuted, and any disputation concerning it pertains to its facts, not its provenance.  How were our people moved away from Entdecktes Judenthum and toward the Protocols? It's a question that deserves an answer. I have never seen anyone even try to answer it. If  Entdecktes Judenthum received the publicity which the Protocols have received, the Enemies of Truth would go out of their minds because its consists of 2,000 pages of the deadliest documentary information on Judaism ever assembled. Supreme Court Justice Scalia would not be able to give speeches at Talmud societies (as he has done under the patronage of his colleague Nathan Lewin) and still call himself a Catholic Conservative, if Entdecktes Judenthum was in broad circulation. Much of the ignorance and many of the evils of our day would be in retreat. It's possible that Judaism would never recover short of a Fahrenheit 451-type of book burning.As for the language barrier, the Third Reich had the resources of the state at its disposal and the talents of some of the finest philologists and translators in the world. A handsome English edition could have been produced, published and exported. Instead, Hitler staked his worldview on the thin gruel of the disputed Protocols. This is like having a choice between a starship and an ox-cart, and choosing the ox-cart. People tell me that this was no conspiracy. I believe it has all the hallmarks of deliberate misdirection, which continues to this day.Dr. Makow says the Protocols are prima facie genuine. In other words, by the contents of the text he can adduce the origin of the text. No credible historian would accept such a linkage, but it appears that professional standards of historiography count for very little in the Right wing.I respect Dr. Makow for many of his other views, but not in this matter.Sincerely,Michael HoffmanCoeur d'Alene, Idaho U.S.A.www.revisionisthistory.orgEntdecktes Judenthum (two volumes; 2000+ pages), is available on pdf files on CD. It has been robotically scanned from one of the few surviving priceless, first edition copies of Prof. Eisenmenger’s book (most of the first edition of Entdecktes Judenthum was destroyed in 1700 by order of the Holy Roman Emperor under pressure from Judaic financiers). Click here and then scroll to the bottom of the page. _________________________