Republicans-- Plus Blue Dogs Steve Israel And Collin Peterson-- Gave Us Death Panels... And Only Idiots Think Otherwise

Has Wasserman Schultz ever asked her pal Steve Israel why he voted for death panels?Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't write to me too often. Ever since I helped expose her endorsements of 3 Miami-Dade Republicans-- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and the Diaz-Balart brothers-- in 2008, when she was chair of the DCCC's Red to Blue Program no less, she's been a little stand-offish. (Or maybe she just doesn't like me calling attention to her financial relationship to the sugar cartel or the private prison industry. Who knows? Who cares?) Yesterday, though, I did get some spam from her. "Whatever happened to those 'death panels?'" she asked.

Last November, a certain Senator from Utah confidently predicted that we “would never be able to meet [the Affordable Care Act’s] enrollment goals.”

Yet here we are, four years after President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act-- and we’ve clearly met, if not exceeded, our enrollment goals. Thanks to the law, over eight million people have quality health insurance. And those facts drive the Tea Party absolutely nuts.CHORUS: [send me money, send me money, send me money… press here to send me money… money, money, money… money makes the world go round. Send money or the big bad Republicans will kill you. $5, $5, $5 please send $5 so I can buy off my colleagues so they make me the first Jewish Speaker. Don't forget to click.]I’m not going to allow these extremists to take us back to the days of people being denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, insurance companies canceling coverage when you get sick, or charging women a lot more simply because they are, in fact, women. But I need your help to keep fighting-- can you spare $5 to keep our campaign growing strong?REPEAT CHORUSThe Affordable Health Care law is something we should all be really proud of. I know many of you understand what health care coverage means to millions of Americans. Thank you for standing with me and being part of our grassroots effort.
REPEAT CHOUS-- More cowbell

You tell me… what did that have to do death panels? I've come to know what death panels are lately-- and they have nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act. The death panels I've been experiencing come from the horrible Bush drug plan-- Medicare Part D. It's the perfect example of what happens when you give people who don't believe in health insurance control over health insurance. The plan passed in June 2003 and only 9 Democrats voted for it, all corrupt, sleazy, bribed Blue Dogs like Steve Israel, Collin Peterson, Jim Matheson and some scumbags who were subsequently defeated a nd a couple who switched parties . The final vote for this monstrosity was 216-215. It originally failed, 214-218 but Ernest Istook (R-OK), Butch Otter (R-ID) and Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) were willing to buckle to pressure from the drug industry and the corrupt party leadership to sell out their constituents and America by changing their votes. Part of the scheme to pass give the drug industry a big wet kiss was to lie to Congress about the costs. Although the Bush Regime were well aware the projected ten year cost was $500 billion (it has actually cost $534 billion), they lied to Congress, telling them it would be $100 billion less.I have Humana. They suck. They're the death panel. My doctor prescribes a drug I need and they say NO. She appeals. It takes time and I don't have the drug. They suggest other drugs that don't work. They turn down the appeal. My doctor appeals the appeal. Weeks later they say, "Oh, OK," by which time my condition has drastically deteriorated. The doctor says I need a high dosage. Humana says NO. That's a death panel. And it isn't government bureaucrats feared by the Tea Party morons. It's a private insurance company, empowered by bribed Republicans (+ Steve Israel and Collin Peterson), who get richer by not OKing drugs prescribed by doctors. I bet Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't understand that. She gets special elite treatment for the ruling class.