Republican Senators Use Orlando Shooting to Push for Increased Government Spying Powers

“This production, which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement.
FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) pursuant to the PCJF’s Freedom of Information Act demands reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat even though the agency acknowledges in documents that organizers explicitly called for peaceful protest and did “not condone the use of violence” at occupy protests.
– From the post: It’s Official: The FBI Classifies Peaceful American Protestors as “Terrorists”
*Update (6/22/16): This amendment was just voted on in the U.S. Senate and was very narrowly defeated. This post received a pathetic amount of reads yesterday, so please share it widely. These cretins plan on bringing it back for another vote. Just like the banker bailouts.
As I just tweeted:

Notice whenever the deep state experiences a Congressional vote they don’t like, they keep voting over and over till they get what they want
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) June 22, 2016

Well we knew this was coming, and it’s no surprise to see Mitch McConnell leading the charge. A man who never saw a 4th Amendment violating piece of legislation he didn’t like.
Reuters reports:

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set up a vote late on Monday to expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s authority to use a secretive surveillance order without a warrant to include email metadata and some browsing history information.
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