Remembrance Day In Canada: Honouring Those Brave Souls That Went To War (Believing In The "Just" Cause)

Yes, today is the 97th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, which is also known as the "Great War".... Today at exactly 11am GMT time on November 11th, 1918, the guns on the battle fields in the trench warfare of the Western front went quiet.... It ended almost 4.5 years of bloodshed in Europe that basically bled most European countries of their youth and basically ended the reign of so many monarchies across the European continent... It also spelled the growth of Jewish run "communism" in Russia which would lead to the death of some 40+ million Russians and 10 million Ukrainians in the decades to come....  It was supposed to be the 'war to end all wars' but we now know from history that the warring nations never learned their lessons and the same mistakes from the Great War were repeated and surpassed in what 2 decades later was the Second World War...But today I do want to give tribute to those brave men and women that went off to fight in these wars believing in the "just" cause and that they were fighting for liberty, god, and country.... Many were totally unaware that they were fighting for all the wrong reasons, as real history shows, and many more gave the ultimate sacrifice in being killed on the battlefields in many far away nations and on the high seas...Real history is now showing that indeed these wars were fought for criminals who used nations as pawns for their own bidding... It is a fact that the only real victors in these wars were indeed the Jewish criminal banking elite that made MULTI-TRILLIONS of dollars by bleeding nations almost to death through massive debts for armaments to fight their wars.... We also know now that the first and second world wars were fought for the creation of the criminal state of Israel and for the attempts at the criminal "new world order" governments under first the "League of Nations" that failed miserably after the Great War, and then the "United Nations" that still exists to this day....My purpose is not to insult those brave men and women that fought so gallantly for what they truly believed in... But I want to make sure that the true lessons of history are learned and that the truths about these wars is divulged to everyone for them to understand exactly who the real criminals are that are presently fomenting a new and even more dangerous world war on our planet today....Let us all pay homage to those brave souls that fought for what they believed was right, and to make sure that we learn from real history so that history never repeats itself...... Again the reality is that throughout history wars have been fought for criminal elements that want only the enslavement of our planet... We must not forget the infamous statement by Madame Rothschild some 200+ years ago where she stated that if her sons had their way, there would be no wars... It was proof that again all wars are indeed "Bankers Wars" and we are all treated as nothing but the cannon fodder for these criminals to use and manipulate in these wars...The truth must be told and we can truly put an end to any further warfare across this planet if the masses are awakened to that truth.... Spread the word...More to comeNTS