Remembering The Israeli Mossad Attacks On America This Day 14 Years Ago..... 9/11: Decade Of Deception Video

I got extremely busy today with work related issues.... I must apologize to my readership about my not being able to get much out today on this, the 14th anniversary of when the criminal state of Israel attacked America and killed some 3000 Americans in the process...It is amazing to me that now, 14 years after the fact, most Americans and most people around the world simply do not get it.... The attack on the World Trade Centre and of course the Pentagon was absolutely NOT by some "19 A-rabs using boxcutters" but was a carefully conceived and organized operation by the Israeli Mossad and their useful idiots sitting in the US government itself... These monsters have since used their control of the media and of course our own governments to allow the real perpetrators of the crime to basically get away with murder!I came across the following video that is absolutely a must see by everyone.... It deals with how 9-11 researchers met on the 10th anniversary of that heinous crime in Ryerson College in Toronto Ontario Canada to discuss the facts behind that crime......The video is entitled: "9/11: Decade Of Deception" and I have it right here for all of my own readers to view for themselves... I of course have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  It was the attacks of 9-11 and knowing who exactly was responsible for that heinous crime that thrust me into the want to launch this blog some 8 years ago.... It also seems that most everyone in the real truth movement also started their search for the truth about our sick world thanks primarily to this crime against humanity caused by the horrendous "tribe"......Yes, it is now 14 years since that act of cold blooded murder committed by the Jews and their agents operating in America...And we still have not seen these scoundrels, the real perpetrators of this crime, face the proper justice that they deserve..... Jail time is too good for these criminals as far as I am concerned...I do hope for the day that the American people finally do wake up and understand exactly who was responsible for this crime against their nation... Hopefully we do not have to wait another 14 years before these criminals are exposed and forced to pay for this crime against humanity....More to comeNTS