Reinventing American Foreign Policy Videoconference: Tuesday, Nov. 10

Video Conference: Tuesday, November 10, 2pm EST (11am PST)

  • Robert Scheer: Editor-In-Chief of Truthdig & Professor at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication
  • Gareth Porter: Independent Investigative Journalist & Historian
  • Heather Hurlburt: Director of New Models of Policy Change at New America
  • Robert Naiman: Policy Director at Just Foreign Policy
  • Charles Knight: Senior Fellow at Center for International Policy & Co-Founder of Project on Defense Alternatives
  • Peter Leyden: Founder of Reinvent

What are America’s core national security interests, and what are the real security threats we face in coming decades?
As we move into an era of increasing global integration and challenges that defy national borders, it may be time to reevaluate the ways we determine our national security priorities and protect our interests abroad. This roundtable will step back, look to the future, and talk about about the big picture. How should we adjust our foreign policies now to fit the new realities going forward?
Policing the world is expensive, ineffective, and undercuts America’s ability to deal with our real security needs. Can America become more humble in its foreign policy aspirations? How can we build a more effective foreign policy and move away from a foreign policy based on military interventions and support for tyrannical regimes? How do we mobilize an American public that’s tired of expensive, counterproductive wars but still wants to feel secure?
What would a foreign policy that emphasizes cooperation and collective action look like? In this roundtable, our participants will think critically about reimagining our foreign policy goals.
Tune in here on Tuesday, November 10, 2pm EST (11am PST).
