Recall the Jessica Lynch Psy-Op? Silver Stars for Lynch Rescuers Questioned

Speaking of  your perception being managed via the likes of  Bernard Henri Levy... 

Cannes adds Bernard Henri Levy's "Peshmerga" documentary to official selection

Who of us could forget the Jessica Lynch rescue lie? The Jessica Lynch rescue was yet another prime example of a psychological operation. Like BHL's "Peshmerga" documentary, psychological operations are undertaken to shape your beliefs. To create a narrative , that is promoted as credible , in order to bolster support for a elite agenda- such as the Iraq war in the case of Jessica Lynch. Or the destruction of multiple nations for a a remake of an entire area of the globe-Questions about those Silver Stars for Lynch's "rescuers"

Circumstances surrounding Lynch’s rescue, and whether the military trumped them up to bolster support for the war, prompted a Pentagon probe and congressional hearings.

Mears reviewed the citations and noted the contrast between those issued for Lynch’s rescue from an Iraqi hospital and those for later missions. The language in the operation to rescue Lynch was “a little over the top,” he said.

“These read very much like embellished evaluation reports, not citations for gallantry in action,” Mears said. He said the citations happened early in the Iraq war when commanders felt it could still end quickly and "potentially limit future opportunities for valor and associated recognition."

The citation for both men refer to their leadership of “a brilliant surgical air and ground assault to seize key areas of the hospital.” One citation goes on to state: “The strategic significance of the first successful rescue of a U.S. POW is epic as it devastated Iraqi resolve and bolstered U.S. and international support for the campaign.”

 The language is clear the rescue was "epic" (as in an epic drama) and it "bolstered US and international support for the campaign" - it was a psychological operation- plain and simple!

That compares to the spare language used to describe the hostage rescue in 2012 of American doctor Dilip Joseph in Afghanistan, an operation that resulted in Navy SEAL Ed Byers being awarded the Medal of Honor, three of his teammates receiving the Silver Star and one SEAL killed during a fierce firefight.

 Now they want to take away the silver stars awarded?