The Realist Report – James Lancia

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by James Lancia, a former police officer in Bridgeport, Connecticut and author of the must-read book “Downtown White Police”: Demonizing the Alpha Cop, Glorifying Thugs, and Militarizing Law Enforcement. In this introductory podcast, James and I discuss his background and experience as a police officer, what motivated him to write his book, the state of law enforcement in America today, the reality of violent crime, political correctness, and related matters. Be sure to check out James’ YouTube channel.
During the second Subscribers Only segment, James and I pick up where we left off in the first segment and focus more attention on the federalization of local police departments, 9/11’s impact on law enforcement, racial relations in America, the central role the Jewish media plays in instigating Blacks and non-Whites, Jewish supremacy in America, White genocide, and much more.
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