Real History Revealed: How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism

Being a student of REAL history, and NOT the absolute garbage that has been put out in our so called 'history' books, I have studied so much of what really happened during the 20th century, and especially the major world wars during that time period..... It is so important that the real truths about our history is put out there so that people can understand the real criminals that have used false history to shield their crimes against humanity...I have already written many articles at this blog discussing both the First World War aka the "Great War" and how that war was nothing more than a war to destroy Europe, to promote the rise of Communism, and to allow the Jewish criminals to get a foothold in the Middle East to build their evil empire on Earth centred on Palestine....I have also written so many articles covering the real truths about the Second World War and to show that it was in fact a war to see Germany utterly destroyed, to allow Jewish run Communism to expand  into eastern Europe, and to see the eventual establishment of that "Jewish state" of pure criminality in the Middle East called "Israel"...... But what about the "inter-war" period of 1918-1939?   So much of that period has been strangely missing from our so called "history books" and especially what happened to Germany during that time frame...  Much has been not told especially about the time frame of 1919 to 1933 in the defeated German state, and how that period gave rise to Adolf Hitler's National Socialist party that eventually seized power in Germany in 1933..... I of course have too wondered about what it truly was like in Germany during those years, and what I found today reveals some startling truths about how the Jewish criminals operated criminally in Germany during that time, and how their almost total ruination of Germany during that "Weimar Republic" era did indeed give rise to the National Socialist take over starting in 1933......I want to present the link to a fabulous and most revealing report, that comes from the Christians For Truth website, at, that is entitled: "How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism"..... In this report, you will indeed see how the absolute corruption and filth of the Jews in Germany from 1919-1933 almost totally destroyed that nation, only to see the German people finally take a stand and overthrow their evil starting in 1933 with Adolf Hitler coming to power... Here is that link, and I do recommend that readers read it thoroughly for it is indeed very revealing... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: WHY am I not in the least bit surprised by the amazing findings of this report?  I have stated for years now at this blog that the Jews are nation destroyers and nothing but pure evil and filth....Yes, readers, these foul creatures absolutely turned Germany into a cesspool of filth and debauchery during the Weimar Republic years... Berlin for example was the centre of sodomy and all kinds of pornography, and we find that the instigators and perpetrators of that disgusting level of sickness were indeed ALL Jews....I am presenting this article as not only a revelation of the truth about our real history, but also as a WARNING to everyone as we are indeed seeing history repeat itself right now as the Jewish criminals are working hard in destroying America and other nations with the same level of sickness that they had back in the Weimar Republic era in Germany......   All of this rapid rise of the LBGTQP retardation and the push for this false "political correctness" bullshit is indeed much the same of what happened in Germany from 1919-1933!   And again, if we do not learn from history, then it is indeed repeating itself...I will note that when Adolf Hitler did come to power in 1933, things in Germany changed very rapidly as not only did the corruption in Germany done by the Jewish pricks rapidly come to an end, but the debauchery and filth also came to a near abrupt end as Hitler kicked the Jewish criminals out of Germany!   Many historians noted that by 1936 for example all of the criminal sickness that had turned Berlin into a cesspool was gone and Berlin was restored as a modern, clean, and very productive city with nearly zero crime.....   And history still claims that Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists were somehow evil????Well, there you go... More real history revealed..... I will continue to bring forward these articles of real truth for everyone to see if and when they do become available... So stay tuned...More to comeNTS