Randy Bryce-- A Different Kind Of Democrat... More Like Us Than Like Them!

If you're a member of Blue America you got a letter by Randy Bryce yesterday-- Randy Bryce, the Wisconsin iron worker running for the southeast Wisconsin congressional seat represented by a severely damaged Paul Ryan... @IronStache. Randy's letter was very strong and very different from any kind of communication you're likely to receive from a DCCC-manufactured candidate. For one thing, it's his authentic voice, not some disembodied focus group-tested corporate concoction. And his critique of what ails our political system is exactly what the DCCC demands it's plastic candidates not say, not even think. They could never invent a Randy Bryce. He's their worst nightmare-- because Randy Bryce in Congress-- and others like him-- are a worse threat to the DC Establishment than Paul Ryan could ever be. This is how the Democratic Establishment sees Paul Ryan:It's their filthy, corrupt, corporately-funded world-- and electing DCCC candidates won't fix a think. Electing authentic voices for change, like Randy Bryce, will at least give us a fighting chance against these forces. This was-- word-for-word, unadulterated, the letter Randy sent Blue America members yesterday:

My name is Randy Bryce. I’m a union ironworker, progressive activist, and military veteran who’s running against Paul Ryan for Congress.Look around this country and you see the same things I see: an inadequate health care system, a quickly rising cost of living, and millionaires and billionaires taking more and more while working people earn less and less. The monopoly-driven economy is taking advantage of us by benefiting fat cats who want to take away our health care so they can get a tax break. These bankers, hedge fund managers, and private equity executives could care less about our well being. For them, all they want are their profits to grow, no matter who suffers or dies at their expense.I’m running for Congress because I believe that’s wrong. Congress should prioritize the interests of ordinary Americans, not the 1%. What I’m saying isn’t anything controversial. These are issues that concern the vast majority of Americans and the solutions-- like single payer healthcare, a $15 minimum wage, and real campaign finance reform, to name just a few-- aren’t controversial either.So why then don’t we see change?Throughout government-- yes, both parties-- millionaires and billionaires are in control. Donald Trump inherited a fortune worth hundreds of millions of dollars. My opponent, the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has a personal net worth of millions, and in 2014, for the first time, more than half of our elected officials in DC, members of both parties, were millionaires.In Congress today, working people aren’t at the table, we’re on the menu.When these out of touch elitists are asked to decide whether we should provide healthcare to every American or whether to give themselves a tax cut, they know their answer. When working people are asked to decide, we know ours. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We look out for each other because we know what it feels like to be left out. We know what it feels like to make sure food is on our kid’s table. We know what it feels like to be a real, hard-working American.Paul Ryan has a personal fortune worth millions of dollars and an army of wealthy donors like David and Charles Koch, Robert Mercer, and Sheldon Adelson. I haven’t had the opportunity to meet these crooks, and frankly, I don’t want to. Rather, I want to make them pay for the destruction they are causing me, my family, and our greater community of working men and women looking to do right by our loved ones and our communities.Right now, we’re fundraising for our grassroots organizing program. Your contribution helps us hire full time staff to train volunteers, knock every door in the district, and have the hundreds of thousands of conversations with concerned Wisconsinites we need to win this race against Paul Ryan. Please, if you can, donate to our campaign.Our campaign is based on a simple idea. That when all of us stand up, together, and fight, we win. And we are going to win.Click on this... and study it carefullyI can’t stress enough that the problems we are facing today aren’t Republican-caused problems alone. For too long the Democratic Party has used code words to trick us progressives into supporting them. That’s got to end because our lives are on the line.When we say we are against corrupt trade deals, we must mean it. When we say we are for Medicare for All, we must mean it and pledge to sign on to Rep. John Conyers’s bill when elected. The days of third way triangulation need to be behind us because our lives-- and our childrens’ lives-- depend on it.This fight, for single payer healthcare, to create an inclusive economy, and to protect the interests of working people, is going to be difficult. Powerful, wealthy interests will challenge our movement at every turn for fear they lose power in America, but together, we are going to win.I’m grateful to be fighting by your side.-RandyP.S. if you’d like to follow my campaign, you can do so on Facebook and Twitter.

BOOM! The DCCC tells its candidates who are stuck in primaries against progressives to pretend to back Medicare for All but to never pledge they will sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 676, Conyers' actual Medicare-For-All bill. But that's exactly what Randy did in his letter. "When we say we are for Medicare for All, we must mean it and pledge to sign on to Rep. John Conyers’s bill when elected. The days of third way triangulation need to be behind us because our lives-- and our childrens’ lives-- depend on it."How do you think beleaguered careerists like Pelosi, Hoyer, Crowley and Wasserman Schultz feel when they read a wildly popular Democratic challenger saying "I can’t stress enough that the problems we are facing today aren’t Republican-caused problems alone. For too long the Democratic Party has used code words to trick us progressives into supporting them. That’s got to end because our lives are on the line." They feel the same way Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy feel-- "TROUBLE headed our way!"Everybody wishes we could vote against Donald Trump NOW. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works. But in 2018 we can end the shameful careers of his enablers in Congress. And there is NO BETTER target than Paul Ryan, Trump's Speaker of the House. Repealing Paul Ryan and replacing him with Randy Bryce will be the biggest political message of the 2018 midterms to the swampy DC establishment. Randy is a unique and natural leader for a new way forward in Congress and in Washington. Polling shows that voters in WI-01 are ready to make history and replace a powerful, entrenched Speaker of the House with... essentially, one of us. Please consider giving Randy's campaign what you can by clicking on the Blue America ActBlue thermometer on the right. It isn't every day that we get a chance for real and profound change like this. With our help Randy Bryce WILL make a difference.