Rand Paul destroys Morning Joe, “Obama Administration used intelligence apparatus to attack Trump”

Nothing brings me more joy than watching the MSNBC Morning Joe panel exposed as the fools they so aspire to be.
It is no secret by now that the mainstream, corrupt, fake news media is trying their best to bury the scandal around Susan Rice’s year long spying on candidate Trump (and then president-elect Trump).
With the exception of Fox News, every other US media network has either avoided the Rice bombshell story, or come out defending Rice’s political assassination attempt on Donald Trump and his team.
Rand Paul is one US senator that will not allow the story to be buried by the media as they attempt to protect former POTUS Obama form having to testify to Congress.
First, Paul went on Fox News’ “Hannity” to lay out the case for why Rice needs to be made to answer for the unmasking that took place, and the spying on Trump that she initiated for nearly one year.

Then Paul took to MSNBC to challenge the Hillary surrogate, Morning Joe panel, which includes the clueless Mika Brzezinski, where Paul really shined as the smartest person in the room…noting at the end of the segment…

“This was a witch hunt that began with the Obama administration, sour grapes on the way out the door. They were going to use the intelligence apparatus to attack Trump, and I think they did.”

BOOM!!! Matt Drudge called it when he recently stated that “Rand Paul is America’s best senator.”

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