Radio New Zealand National: A Memorable, Sobering & Humbling Interview

Last Thursday I was interviewed by one of the (if not ‘the’) most respected and award-winning radio hosts in New Zealand – Kim Hill. Please take a few minutes and read her bio here. Thanks to Ms. Hill’s producer Mark Cubey we were able to overcome the Time-Zone Difference obstacle. They were kind enough to allocate over an hour to this interview, and I must say, this was one of the most memorable interviews I have had (as you know I’ve had hundreds- and several good ones .
What made this interview memorable to me-in addition to having a host who was intelligent-articulate-informed and tough (yes, tough!), was the last few questions during the second half of the show- particularly, a tough but humbling question I was asked towards the end of the show. This was the first time anyone has ever asked me ‘that’ question- and the very first time I’ve ever had to pause, think hard, reflect, and answer it with an answer sobering to myself …
Here is the link to the show (you may want to skip the first 20 minutes or so-the usual background/whistleblowing journey related topics, if you are familiar with my case or book): Click Here
Direct Link:

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