Radical Left Targets Alternative Media

  • Internet giants have been working hand-in-hand with thought censors to shut down independent news outlets around the world like American Free Press. Targeting the news organizations they disagree with, companies like Google and PayPal are squeezing conservative voices in an effort to silence and ultimately shut them down.

AdSense, the online advertising giant owned by Google, has cut ties with two politically incorrect media outlets, one of which is this newspaper’s website, following pressure from Media Matters, a leftist media watchdog group financed in part by George Soros.
In addition to AFP’s website, Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist book publishing company that also maintains a website featuring blog posts and longer essays from various contributors, had its AdSense account terminated, according to a recent monthly newsletter written by Greg Johnson, the editor-in-chief of the company.
On Jan. 30, Media Matters, which has close ties to many of the leading personalities that ran Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, including John Podesta, published an inflammatory article entitled, “How Anti-Semitic and Holocaust-Denying Websites Are Using Google AdSense for Revenue.”
The article highlighted four independent media outlets— American Free Press, Counter-Currents Publishing, The Right Stuff, and “Veterans Today”—that used Google’s AdSense program to place online advertisements on their respective websites to generate income.
The article argued that “some of the worst purveyors of anti-Semitism on the Internet” were using AdSense to generate advertising revenue, and that these independent media outlets were “seemingly in direct violation” of AdSense’s program policy of prohibited content.
“Google believes strongly in the freedom of expression, but also recognizes the need to protect the quality of the AdSense network for users, advertisers, and publishers,” according to AdSense’s prohibited content policy. “Google ads may not be placed on pages that contain harassing or bullying content, or on content that incites hatred or promotes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity. Additionally, Google ads may not appear on content that incites or advocates for harm against an individual or group.
However, pages containing educational, documentary, historical, scientific, or artistic content related to such subjects are permitted to participate in AdSense.”
Any objective reader of this newspaper and its online platform will fully recognize the fact that American Free Press has never and would never publish articles or opinion pieces that “contain harassing or bullying content” or content that “incites hatred or promotes violence” against any individual or group for any reason whatsoever.
This is just the latest attempt by the left and the enforcers of political correctness to shut down or otherwise limit free expression on the Internet. Politically incorrect media outlets and personalities are regularly targeted for “hate speech” violations on social media, resulting in their accounts being terminated. Major Internet giants such as PayPal, Amazon Affiliates, and AdSense often consult with leftist activist organizations—including Media Matters, the SPLC, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)—to determine which organizations or individuals to target for censorship.
This writer, for instance, had his PayPal account permanently shut down in late November 2014 following pressure from the SPLC and ADL. To this day, I remain banned as an individual from utilizing PayPal’s services. Other writers, activists, and online content producers have also had their PayPal accounts permanently limited.
These actions have severely hampered the ability of independent media outlets and journalists to solicit donations and raise much-needed revenue.
Unlike many European nations, which jail political dissidents and those who engage in “hate speech,” those with politically incorrect views cannot be legally discriminated against by the state in America. However, private entities and corporations, such as Google, AdSense, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook, and other Internet giants, can and do discriminate against those daring to challenge the sacred dogmas of the left, often at the behest of radical leftist activist organizations.
Engaging in meaningful political dissent, challenging the officially sanctioned narratives of history as well as current events, and publishing information and perspectives that run contrary to the wishes and dictates of the powers that be is a risky business in America, despite the First Amendment and longstanding tradition of freedom of thought and intellectual inquiry. Readers would be wise to support the efforts of independent media outlets, especially American Free Press—America’s last real newspaper—while limiting their support and business dealings with the top Internet monopolies, which have proven over and over again their willingness to become the enforcers of political correctness at the behest of the radical left.
NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on February 27, 2017. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!
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