Rachel Maddow is on board with Trump ‘mineral extraction’ plan in Afghanistan (Video)

During his Afghanistan “new strategy speech, President Trump bluntly said what no other US president has ever dared to say…that America will plunder Afghanistan to offset the cost of the US invasion of Afghanistan.
Aside from the always lucrative heroin industry in Afghanistan, many minerals are awaiting US extraction and export.
Specifically Trump noted…

In this struggle, the heaviest burden will continue to be borne by the good people of Afghanistan and their courageous armed forces. As the prime minister of Afghanistan has promised, we are going to participate in economic development to help defray the cost of this war to us.

Predictably, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow (and much of the liberal left mainstream media) have no problem with Trump’s military surge in Afghanistan, and are actually quite supportive of his ‘endless war’ policy shift.
Funny how the liberal left media blasts President Trump for anything he says or does, except for when the POTUS promotes war.

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