Putting An End To The Nonsense That This Planet Is Flat: Flat Earthers Under The Employment Of US CIA To Systematically Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere

I continue to be under constant attack from the knuckleheads over at the "Flat Earth" insane asylum these days.... Their comments sent my way have gotten so full of ignorance and constant colorful metaphors that I have had no choice but to spam the majority of them and automatically delete them even before I read them! Yes, the brainwashing and gullibility of people is truly that intense and there are so many in that group that simply do not understand Physics and Astronomy.... I have already put up in my rants some definitive proof that this planet is in fact a spheroid (although not perfectly round) and that every other large object between planets, planetoids, moons orbiting planets, stars, etc are all round... Simple observation through a telescope can verify that in an instant.....But the Flat Earth group continues to be out there spewing their trash, and I have long wondered WHY?   Well, there may indeed be the art of deception afoot here with these clowns, and to show that proof, I want to present here the link to a most interesting article that comes from "The Millenium Report" website, at www.milleniumreport.com.....It shows clear evidence that this entire "Flat Earth" craze that has been poisoning the alternative media these days has been created on purpose to try to destroy the real truth movement.... Here is that link for all to see for themselves, and I do have further thoughts and comments to follow:http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/06/flat-earthers-systematically-used-to-disrupt-and-undermine-truth-movements-everywhere/ NTS Notes:  I honestly have no qualms with "Flat Earthers"... Every single one of us has at some time in the past been fooled into believing the horse swap that was drilled into our heads by the falsehood of our education system... And then of course we have the fraudulent religious hucksters that are still out there brainwashing people with their equally absurd ideas... Therefore I will not laugh at the lunacy of "flat earth" thinking, but ask those believers to actually take a good hard look at what they have been fooled into believing....I have long suspected that the "Flat Earth" thinking that has suddenly filled the alternative media with its falsehoods was planted there purposely by the US CIA and other intelligence services to try to destroy the alternative media itself..... It is a fact that the CIA itself does indeed run a massive disinformation group that is well funded and has been used to push lies and ridiculous assertions across the Internet for the purpose of pure disinformation... It is therefore up to the individuals that actually read and listen to these disinformation experts to use their own critical thinking skills and figure out for themselves that they are being played as fools.....Therefore do not be fooled by these "flat earth" fools that are out there... Remember that the Internet is indeed filled with as much disinformation as real information... Use your own powers of observation and critical thinking to help yourselves realize that we live on a round ball spinning around a yellow dwarf star at the edge of a spiral arm of a galaxy located close to a "super cluster" of other galaxies in our known Universe...  But for the Earth to be a flat surface and at the center of the Universe?  That type of thinking should have gone out the door centuries ago...More to comeNTS