Putin: Turkey Will Not Yield to US Bullying on S-400 Purchase

Putin did not use the word "bully" I did for my headline, cause I like it! It's so very topical,  popular and  so easily understandable :)Press TVReaders here know I can’t abide by out of context quoting, therefore, I’m enjoying the inclusion of the full context of Putin’s statement, provided by Press TV, below:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has lashed out at the United States for pushing NATO member Turkey into abandoning its decision to purchase S-400 surface-to-air missile systems from Russia, saying the US pressure will not produce any results."Turkey, a NATO ally, has decided to buy the world’s most advanced air defense system in its class, the S-400. So what? Why is it a crime?" Putin said at a meeting with global news agencies in St. Petersburg on Friday.    "I am having a hard time to explain this pressure. Such attitude against Turkey is unfair," Putin said, adding, however, that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would not yield to Washington’s pressure.    "As well as I know President Recep Tayyip Erdogan it is quite difficult to get any results by using pressure tools towards him. On the contrary, this will encourage Mr. Erdogan, and he will not make compromises while protecting national interests," said Putin.

There is more in the linked article from Pompeo- but, I’ll save that for a post on that topic alone.Thoughts?


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