Puerto Rican Officers Suspended for Abusing Man in Wheelchair in Viral Video

Puerto Rican authorities have suspended two officers after a twitter user send them a link to a video.
The video is taken from above from a distance. The video reportedly shows a mostly vacant Walmart parking lot and zooms in on the action below.
A uniformed officer is seen grabbing a control of a man’s wheelchair and whipping him around. The officer lets go as the man attempts to stabilize his wheelchair, as the officer who does not seem to be letting up approaches to finally push him from his seat onto the ground.
The officer’s police car is seen just feet away from the man who struggles to get back into his wheelchair.
Officers Victor Muniz Martinez and Juan Rivera Zayas were notified of their immediate suspension and an administrative hearing to be held within 10 days, according to the Daily Mail.
Both officers may still face criminal charges for abusing the wheelchair bound man.
The island is a U.S. territory and is under a United State Department of Justice consent decree, island authorities entered into the agreement in 2011, after multiple incidents of police officers abusing and killing citizens.
The video can only be described as abuse with the vindictive and degrading to the wheelchair man, who has yet to be identified.

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