Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Will Obama Close Gitmo?

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Andy Worthington
As an author and journalist, Andy Worthington is an expert on America’s offshore island prison, Guantanamo. As an activist, he helped lead a year-long campaign to free Shaker Aamer, the last British prisoner who finally went home on October 30. We talk about his return and reunion with family, and the ordeal he experienced as the most high-profile inmate released so far. When he’s healthy—physically and psychologically—Aamer is expected to expose much about his detention, torture, hunger strikes, and the complicity of British officials and intelligence agents in his almost 14-year detention without trial or charge. Worthington also talks about Sen. Feinstein’s recent call to close Guantanamo, and the irrational objections expressed by many American leaders.
*Andy Worthington is the author of The Guantanamo Files and covers America’s gulag on his blog. He is also a member of The Four Fathers, a music group that updated their Song for Shaker after Aamer’s return to England.
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