Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Who Shot Down Malaysian 17?

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Robert Parry
As Obama, Kerry and others have tried to blame Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine for the shoot-down of Malaysian flight 17 on July 17, Robert Parry has challenged the administration to release satellite imagery and other evidence to support these claims. In his latest report, Parry cites unnamed CIA analysts who challenge these assertions and suggest that the Kiev government—or rogue actors connected to it—may be responsible. Noting that Ukraine, like Russia, possesses Buk anti-aircraft gunneries, Parry is also pursuing a theory that the airliner may have been shot down by fighter jets. Calling for a thorough investigation, Parry has not reached a conclusion, but he notes that the Obama team has established a narrative—probably false—that will be hard to revise.
*Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for AP and Newsweek in the 1980’s, and is the publisher of His latest book is America’s Stolen Narrative.
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