Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Senate & CIA Battle Over Torture “Review”

Peter B. Collins Presents Jason Leopold
Senate Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein, enabler and staunch defender of the intelligence community, is now in a pitched battle with the CIA over her committee’s 6,000 page report on torture, rendition and detention. Jason Leopold has been covering Guantanamo and related issues for years, and is well-positioned to observe this unexpected confrontation. Leopold has confirmed some aspects of the highly critical report: that some prisoners were tortured before the legal justifications were produced by the Bush Justice Department, and some were subjected to torture techniques that were never approved in the re-definition of torture. He also reports on the deal between Feinstein and CIA Director Panetta that the “review” was not an investigation that would lead to prosecutions, and on dual the role of the Obama White House in this dispute.

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