Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Former Intel Chair Fights to Release Saudi Memo

Peter B. Collins Presents Senator Bob Graham
Over 3 terms in the US Senate, Bob Graham (D-FL, ret) rose to chair the Intelligence Committee, and ran the initial hearings into the events of 9/11/01. Ever-cautious and overly diplomatic, Graham nevertheless continues to demand the full, unredacted release of the 28-page memo that purportedly details funding of alleged hijackers by top royals in Saudi Arabia. He calls FBI actions “aggressive deception” and labels key FBI reports “factually not true”, but is unwilling to call them “lies”. He acknowledges that the FBI and “other agencies” misled and obstructed his inquiry and the 9/11 Commission, but is restrained in his reaction.
*Bob Graham retired from the US Senate in 2005 after 3 terms. Before that, he was twice elected Governor of Florida.
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