Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Drone Whistleblowers Warn of Blowback

Peter B. Collins Presents Cian Westmoreland
Four veterans of America’s drone warfare operations have gone public, warning that our use of weaponized drones—and especially the large numbers of deaths to innocent civilians—has and will produce blowback from the populations living under coverage of American unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s). Cian Westmoreland helped set up the communications networks that gave the US military control over airspace in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and his unit was given a certificate crediting them with “200+ enemy kills”. Westmoreland isn’t proud of that, and wants Americans to discuss and debate the use of drones and their true impact on the operators and their targets.
*Cian Westmoreland served in the US Air Force in the 606th Air Control Squadron and the 73rd Expeditionary Air Control Squadron in Kandahar, Afghanistan. You can read his essays here and here.
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