Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins- A Country Called Prison

Peter B. Collins Presents Criminologist John D. Carl
America’s prison population is larger than the total population of New Zealand, Norway or Denmark. In their new book, Carl and his co-author detail our high rates of incarceration, and note that only a third of prisoners were convicted of violent crimes. President Obama and members of both parties are talking about reform, but will they take on poverty, culture and other underlying issues that keep spinning the revolving doors to prison? Carl offers some great ideas for reform, but is skeptical that the real failures in our system will be addressed.
*John D. Carl is an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma and was a prison social worker. With Mary D. Looman, he is co-author of A Country Called Prison: Mass Incarceration and the Making of a New Nation, published by Oxford University Press.
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