Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Black & White Evidence Negates Tsarnaev Verdict

Peter B. Collins Presents Attorney John Remington Graham
Based on a recent blog post by BoilingFrogsPost contributor Paul Craig Roberts, I interviewed Jack Graham about his novel filing with the court in the Boston bomber trial, using the government’s own evidence to show that Dzhokar Tsarnaev was carrying a white backpack that did not show signs of a pressure cooker inside, and that the evidence used to convict depicted a black backpack. Graham brought this exculpatory evidence to the trial court’s attention in an unusual affidavit from Tsarnaev’s aunt in Chechnya, but it was ignored. He roundly criticizes the tactics of defense counsel Judy Clarke, along with prosecutors and the media for a show trial detached from facts and evidence.
*John Remington Graham is a veteran attorney who has served as a prosecutor and public defender. His affidavit is included in this post by Dr. Paul.
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