Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Beltway Blame Game on Islamic State

Peter B. Collins Presents Ray McGovern
Responding to President Obama’s comments on 60 Minutes, anonymous voices from the intelligence community are peppering the corporate media with assertions that they did not underestimate IS or overestimate the Iraqi military, as Obama stated. This serves to distract from the policy and intelligence blunders that created the monster that we’re told must now be destroyed. Ray McGovern offers insights into these failures, and fingers administration advisors Susan Rice and Samantha Power as “sophomores” who, along with former Secretary of State Clinton, pushed Obama into the new war in Syria. McGovern also recounts his recent legal victory over the State Department, which had placed him on a “BOLO” (Be on the Lookout) list in retaliation for McGovern’s silent protest at a Clinton speech in 2011.
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