Processing Distortion: “Lara Logan Isn’t the Only Problem at 60 Minutes”

Peter B. Collins offers Critical Analysis
As CBS News suspends chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan for the recent embarrassing and misleading report about Benghazi, Collins comments and says that Logan should be fired, in part for her criticism of the late Michael Hastings for his coverage of Gen. McCrystal, which Logan said was out of bounds. Collins plays segments from Leslie Stahl’s recent 60 Minutes report on Guantanamo, where she displayed deep ignorance of Shaker Aamer–the last British prisoner at Gitmo–when Aamer shouted comments from his cell as Stahl toured the block with Col. John Bogdan. Collins is also sharply critical of the way Stahl covered the hunger strikes and force feeding, and that she asserted that 100 men who have been released returned to the fight–without offering any proof or details. This episode takes a critical look at corporate media, its errors of omission and commission.

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