Processing Distortion: “Delving Deep into the Latest on Iran & Disruptive Israeli Threats”

Peter B. Collins Presents Gareth Porter
Journalist and historian Gareth Porter returns to discuss recent developments regarding Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. We talk about Obama’s bluff on Syria that led to Russia’s intervention, just before Iran displayed its new posture at the UN General Assembly. He offers insight into the last-minute wrinkles added by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius that stalled the Geneva talks in early November, and how Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu threatened to attack Iran through a French intermediary. Porter also provides important history on Iran’s new President Rouhani and his previous role as nuclear negotiator, Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent fatwa against nuclear weapons, and the reported final negotiations with the Karzai government regarding residual US forces after the promised withdrawal by the end of 2014.
Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist and historian covering US national security policy. He was awarded the Gellhorn Prize for journalism for 2011 by the UK-based Martha Gellhorn Trust. You can read his latest articles discussed during the show here and here.

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