Processing Distortion: “The Government’s Attack on Whistleblowers & Efforts to Break, Bankrupt & Blackball People”

Peter B. Collins Presents NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake
In this in-depth interview, Thomas Drake shares the wrenching experience of becoming a target of the national security machine he’d been part of. He describes the personal and professional cost of his investigation, indictment and trial, his oath to defend the Constitution, his angst over the intentional violations caused by surveillance programs approved by Bush and Obama, and how the NSA went to “the dark side” after 9/11. He confirms CIA’s Michael Sheuer’s claim that NSA would not share an intercepted bin Laden call. Mr. Drake has a lot to say, and Americans need to hear it! There’s much more in this important interview, be sure to listen to the end as he talks about the attacks on whistleblowers and efforts “to break people, bankrupt and blackball them”.
Listen to the Preview Clip Here

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