Problem, Reaction, Solution? AQ threat or Opportunity to advance war agenda?

 UPDATE BELOW: Scroll downFound this comment interesting:US forces prepared to respond to latest 'serious' threat A senior US official has said American forces are pre-positioned and ready to deal with the latest threat from al-Qaeda, which has seen a worldwide travel alert issued.

We've had US forces prepared for some time to respond to potential contingencies in the Middle East and North Africa.

We're postured to support timely and effective action if requested. This latest threat is serious, and the Pentagon is working closely with its partners, to include the State Department and the intelligence community, to confront it," the official said on condition of anonymity.

– Senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymityYah, I have been following the alleged AQ threat via the mediaIs anyone else getting the vibe of 'anticipation building' ?UPDATE BELOW Next up Eid aid convoy en route to Syria. Originating in the UK. Entering Syria via Turkey in the next couple of days.  “Eid” aid convoy en route to SyriaLOOK AT THE SIDE OF THE TRUCK.YES, IT IS THE FLAG  OF NATO'S  DESTABILIZING MERCS. IS THIS A CHARITY WITH AN AGENDA? IT SURE APPEARS TO BE!Suspicious? Dam straight!

The biggest convoy organised to take humanitarian aid to Syria has almost reached the country after a journey that began in the UK and is currently in Turkey. “Eid in Syria” is the name given to the 75 vehicle convoy worth €7.5 million. The organisers have said they will enter the war-ravaged country at the Cilvegozu border gate in the south of Turkey. The convoy consists of garbage collection trucks, fire trucks and ambulances. (And what else?)They are in much need in Syria where infrastructure has been severely damaged because of the conflict that began in March 2011.

I find this so called aid delivery highly suspicious.