Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- US Foreign Aid & Material Support to State Sponsors of Terrorism

In this episode we are going to talk about material support for terrorism, and US Foreign Aid as a means to provide financial (aka material) support to terrorism. Specifically, I am going to present ongoing US foreign aid in billions of dollars sent to a nation recognized as a State sponsor of terrorism, and with that pose the following question: shouldn’t those in our government who sanction and grant billions of your tax dollars to a state that sponsors terrorism be held criminally liable?

Listen to the full audio version here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Show Notes
Let It Cut Both Ways: US Foreign Aid & State Sponsored Terrorism
Leon Panetta: U.S. "reaching the limits of our patience" with Pakistan terror safe havens
Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander says
Nicolas Sarkozy launches attack on Pakistan over terrorist safe havens
Pakistan and state-sponsored terrorism
US Aid to Pakistan
America Gives Aid to Pakistan, Pakistan Gives Terrorism To The World
Providing Material Support to Terrorists
FACT SHEET: The United States and Pakistan – a Strong and Enduring Relationship