Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Syria & the Real Winners of a Synthetic Conflict

In this episode we are going to briefly discuss synthetic conflicts. In particular we’ll be looking at the real gains and the real winners- rather than getting lost in the distortion maze that has been designed by the deep state, and implemented via their propaganda tentacles-Media. With all the talk on the ISIL conflict, and with all the speculations surrounding Russia’s in-and-out of Syria maneuver, it is time to put aside the lenses provided by the media (aka the deep state propaganda machine), bring out the magnifier, and search for the truth of these matters by following the money.
With every war, battle and conflict we must engage in the following inventory-taking process: what will be gained, by whom; what are the dollars involved and who gets these dollars. Join me and let us explore the answers to these questions.
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Listen to the full audio version here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Show Notes
Syrian Campaign Pays Off as Moscow Lands Military Contracts
How much money will Russia make off operations in Syria?
Who Will Profit From the Wars in Iraq and Syria?
Bombs Away! Lockheed Expanding Missile Factories, Quadruples Bomb Production for ISIS Long Haul
Book: The Lone Gladio- By Sibel Edmonds
Operation Gladio B
Corbett Report: Operation Gladio B Series with Sibel Edmonds
Secret Warfare Operation Gladio & NATO’s Stay Behind Armies